

Food for thought: Teenager-approved pulled pork sandwiches

Sorry I'm a day late with this. On long weekends, I always confuse Sunday and Monday (see, TOLD you I was the ADHD poster child!) at any rate, I hope you find this recipe worth the wait! Thanks to Melissa for the original idea, which I tweaked to my family's taste (we like added heat and spice, and I put garlic in almost...

Selkirk Fine Woodworking Year End Show

The students of Fine Woodworking at Selkirk College invite the public to their 2013 Year End Show, May 24th – 26th.  They will be showing their work at the Nelson Trading Company building at 402 Baker Street in Nelson. The show will include student projects made over the past year including unique and innovative examples of...

Liberty, Libertarians, Liberals and Collective Society: Confusing I with We, me with us.

“Freedom is just another word for...”  ? No, I am not asking you to finish the lyric from Me and Bobby McGee. I am asking that we be clear about political liberalism, economic liberalization, and personal freedom. I want to argue that critics of the “neo-liberal agenda” of global capitalism are using words too loosely. ...

Kootenay residents asked to attend an ener-vention as FortisBC PowerSense launches the Kootenay Energy Diet

Kootenay residents will get help slimming down their energy use when they join the Kootenay Energy Diet, set to launch in Castlegar on May 22 with community ener-ventions (information sessions and trade shows) to follow in Trail, Salmo, Rossland, Grand Forks, Slocan, Creston and Kaslo. “As we found through the successful...

Mir Lecture Series presents Arun Gandhi, Peace Activist & Mahatma Gandhi’s Grandson

Join Arun Gandhi as he addresses violence through education and his work with impoverished children using the lessons that he learned from his famous grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi. This lecture takes place at the Brilliant Cultural Centre on May 17th. Inspired Legacy Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, was born in South ...

LETTER: Taxes are about sharing

Dear Sir, I couldn't believe my eyes. Your letter page contained a letter from someone who holds a position of power in a local cooperative. He wrote to raise the prospect of taxation as a spectre of fear and loathing against which all co-op members should raise standards, mount ramparts and prepare to repel raiding hordes ...


We are all as unique and as individual as God made us to be. We might all 'look alike' to some visitor from a galaxy far, far away, but each of us is aware, sometimes painfully so, of the characteristics that make us as different from one-another as is one grain of sand from its neighbour. Each of us experiences change in a...

OP/ED: On Mother's Day, fishcakes and pot

J.D. Salinger once said, “Mothers are all slightly insane.” … and I could not agree more.  I mean, we have to be, in order to put up with all the chaos that raising children brings.  It’s a 24-hour job that consists of playing the roles of chef, chauffeur, nurse, referee, janitor, therapist, and teacher all while demanding ...

Generation Squeeze Campaign: A Better Generational Deal?

CBC Radio recently aired an interesting interview on with Dr. Paul Kershaw, an associate professor in the College for Interdisciplinary Studies at UBC, who has started an initiative called Generation Squeeze. We’ve all either heard of or personally experienced the Boomerang Generation, where children we thought we had...

The Boundary Sentinel heads in a new direction

When life brings you change it is often hard to shift gears to meet the new direction you need to head. Most of you have seen the new style of the Boundary Sentinel that arrived last week. The new look comes with a shift in the Sentinel as a whole. After bringing the Sentinel to life three years ago, and nurturing the business...

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