

Hundreds of soldiers muster in region for exciting exercises

No, be not afraid, the Kootenays haven’t gone to war. If you’re noticing an influx of military vehicles and personnel, it’s because roughly 450 reserve soldiers and 80 military vehicles from across the province are now in the area to begin a fascinating training exercise called Exercise Kootenay Cougar 2014. According to Major...

The trouble with truffles - Castlegar style

The environment ministry is turning eyes toward Castlegar – not because of any sort of spill or calamity, but rather because of a truffle. Yes, that’s right, a truffle. It all started when life-long area resident Vera Chernoff was digging around in her flower bed and found what she thought was a rotten potato – which would ...

Visits to Violin Lake are actually trespassing

The City of Trail would like to remind the community that the Violin Lake area is private property and is closed to the public for any use at all times. Scheduled logging activity, with the use of heavy machinery, is currently underway in this area. Therefore the city would like to emphasize the importance for all people to...

Robin Williams made you uncomfortable? You have no idea.

Ed note: I sent this column to many of my people and asked if I was doing wrong in publishing it. They essentially said that, if I value telling the truth, I need to publish it. But it will likely hurt my business. I decided I want to be a better person than a better reporter. So here it is. I was so touched and moved by the...

City responds to CUPE's 72-hours strike notice

In the same week that Local 2262 requested the City to return to the bargaining table, Union Employees have issued 72 hour strike notice. “The city is concerned that the Union continues to represent that it is the city that needs to come back the bargaining table when it was the union that booked out the mediator, will not ...

Campfire ban rescinded for Southeast Fire Centre

Effective at 4 p.m. Pacific Time on Friday, Aug. 15, campfires once again will be permitted throughout the Southeast Fire Centre’s jurisdiction. The current campfire ban is being rescinded due to cooler weather in the forecast and recent precipitation that has resulted in a decreased wildfire risk in the region. Anyone lighting...

This year's Shambhala a mixed bag, from a policing perspective

Shambhala Festival ended well in terms of crashes and accidents, but there were many arrests, according to West Kootenay TRaffic Services Sgt. John Ferguson.   "The West Kootenay Traffic Services and Nelson IRSU are pleased to announce that during the week long Shambhala Festival no reported fatal or serious crashes occurred...

City CUPE workers serve 72-hour strike notice

The following is a press release issued by CUPE Local 2262: CUPE Local 2262 city workers have filed 72-hour strike notice with the BC Labour Board. The 34 workers have been without a contract since February 2013. This marks the first time in 60 years that the union has been forced to a strike in its contract negotiations with...

LETTER: Break the Silence

If someone is being bullied, the last thing you want to do is walk away from them. They need support, and lots of it. I do not know of anyone that would walk away, or stop being friends with someone who is being bullied. That would be shameful. We need to start treating mental illness and depression as we do with bullying. ...

Putting the Carbon Tax to Better Use

“There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.” – John F. Kennedy A vast majority of you love the carbon tax; your federal and provincial governments don’t.  And ideas abound about its use and abuse. Metro Vancouver mayors have proposed a...

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