

Fire department deals with dramatic increase in demands for service

The Castlegar Fire Department is being kept busy with almost half again as many calls this year-to-date as over the same time frame in 2014, according to an emergency services report presented to city council at its regular meeting Monday night. The report indicated that the CFD responded to 104 calls this year so far, as...

Hometown help leads local lady to national notoriety

The past month or so has been a wild ride for Castlegar’s Krystal Sutherland, who has been catapulted to heights of both fame and success that she never could have imagined just weeks ago. A happily married 28-year-old make-up artist with two children, two-and-a-half years old and 10-and-a-half months old, Sutherland is the...

Castlegar squares off against Bill C-51

Castlegar residents took to the street last weekend to protest the Harper government’s proposed Bill C-51, a controversial piece of potential legislation garnering negative reactions across the country, even from life-long Neo-Conservatives such as Conrad Black. In Castlegar, upwards of 125 people gathered in Spirit Square ...

PODCAST: How to get great stories about your business in the world's biggest publications with Fiona Richads of Cartolina

About the podcast: The You can do that here! podcast is produced by Andrew Zwicker of AZcreative for the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology. The podcast is a weekly series of 30 minute conversations with some of the most innovative and successful entrepreneurs in the Kootenays. You can CLICK PLAY on the triangle...

Transit Funding Will Drive Canadian Cities Into the Future

Many people think of Canada as a landscape of forests, mountains, water and ice, but the Canadian experience is fast becoming focused on glass and concrete. Our 2011 census revealed that 81 per cent of us now live in cities. And despite taking up less land space, our environmental impact continues to grow. As the UN notes, ...

Projects Help Compensate for Dam Disruption

The Waneta Expansion Limited Partnership (WELP), a partnership between Fortis Inc., Columbia Power Corporation and Columbia Basin Trust, has awarded $50,000 to local conservation and restoration projects through the Waneta Terrestrial Compensation Program. The program provides $50,000 annually to research, physical works, and...

Early spring-like weather leads to early tick season

Despite Mother Nature's last gasp at winter Sunday, it's evident spring weather is here already. And with the early arrival comes more time outside enjoying the wonderful outdoor weather and activities. Howver, the change in weather also brings out ticks – small bugs that feed on the blood of humans and animals and can sometimes...

Council to create connections with kids

City councillors Florio Vassilakakis and Bruno Tassone met with SD 20 school board representatives last Monday during the board’s regular meeting to pitch an idea designed, not to bring youth into civic politics, but rather to bring civic politics to our youth. “I thought Florio’s idea was an excellent one, and I thought it...

Mother Nature gives region one last taste of winter

Technically, there are another few days of winter 2015 according to the calendar. And Mother Nature won’t let us forget it despite the spring-like past four weeks. Marc Dale at YRB is advising the travelling public to take extra caution when driving thanks to a late winter storm heading through the West Kootenay. “We have...

Nelson's Amran Bhabra grows/cuts hair for cancer wigs

The Canadian Cancer Society website says it takes eight to 15 ponytails to create one real-hair wig. Nelson’s Amran Bhabra did his part for Cancer by donating two lengths of hair to the next wig during a haircut Saturday at the Root 99 Hair Design Salon on Baker Street. “I first started to grow my hair out for hockey because...

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