

Parenting Cafes to be offered in Greater Trail area

The Family Action Network knows that parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging jobs that a person does in their life. Our philosophy is that it takes a ‘village to raise a child and families to raise a region’. To provide a venue for parents to come together, share strategies, strengthen parent voice and learn ...

Alarming stats in 2015 says West Kootenay Traffic Services

John Ferguson of the West Kootenay Traffic Services said police is concerned heading into the New Year after RCMP saw an increase in impaired driving charges in 2015. "Our impaired driving charges increased by 35 percent and our 1, 3 and 7 day alcohol suspensions increased by 100 per cent," Ferguson said in a year-end media...

Castlegar 2015 - Year in Review with updates

The top 10 stories of 2015 are determined, not by Source editorial staff, but rather by Google Analytics, based entirely on the number of reads each story generated. “I’m invariably startled by the results – sometimes because of stories that make the list, but usually because of the stories that don’t,” said Source editor...

Kootenay property values increase

In the next few days, owners of more than 142,000 properties throughout the Kootenay Columbia region can expect to receive their 2016 assessment notices which reflect market value as of July 1, 2015.  “The majority of residential home owners within the region can expect an increase, compared to last year’s assessments,” says...

Nelson Fire Rescue responds to gas leak on Perrier Road — elderly occupant removed from residence

No one was hurt as Nelson Fire Rescue responded to what could have been a very serious incident New Year's Day on Perrier Road in the southern region of the Heritage City. Assistant Fire Chief Michael Daloise said in a media release the Nelson Fire Rescue Services received a call at 8:41 p.m. of a report that vehicle struck...

Writer's festival coming to Penticton

The Shatford Centre/Okanagan School of the Arts is preparing to host a stimulating weekend for writers and aspiring authors with the first annual Okanagan Valley Writer's Festival, April 8 to 9. Offerings include workshops and panel discussions on various aspects of writing, selling and marketing fiction and nonfiction in a...

KETTLE RIVER Q&A: What’s next for the Kettle River Watershed?

In the last column I reviewed a few of the main activities and initiatives of 2015 for the Kettle River Watershed Management Plan. Today I want to look ahead to 2016, sharing a few of the priorities in the Plan that our Steering Committee and Advisory Group are committed to achieving. On November 19 we held a second meeting...

OP/ED: Saying goodbye to Bill Bennett

My wife and I saluted the recent passing of former Premier Bill Bennett and reflected on our good fortune to have connected with Socred Governments who were great believers in small “d” democracy. If you flew their colors and supported the party and had an issue it was always the same game plan; people, project, politics....

FROM THE HILL: Syrian refugees, climate conference

Parliament opened for a brief two-week sitting in early December.  For a newcomer to Parliament Hill, I found the pomp and ceremony, borrowing from centuries of parliamentary tradition, a moving reminder of the deep trust my constituents have placed in me. I gave my first speech in the House towards the end of the sitting; ...

OP/ED: Hunters and outfitters share thoughts on wildlife populations

Newsletter December 2015 I am sending you sound bytes from hunters and outfitters that once again remind British Columbians that scientific driven wildlife management in our province has lost virtually every fight to the political game of maximizing hunting opportunity. To put the stories into scientific wildlife management...

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