

Premier issues statement on hate groups organizing in Vancouver

Premier John Horgan released the following statement about a rally by hate groups taking place on Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017 in Vancouver: "Hate has no place in our province. We reject all forms of racism, discrimination, intolerance and bigotry. "Recent events and images from Charlottesville, Virginia were horrifying, and hateful...

Province extends state of emergency once again

B.C.'s wildfire-driven provincial state of emergency has been formally extended again, through the end of the day on Sept. 1, 2017. This is the third time the state of emergency has been extended, with previous extensions on July 19 and Aug. 4. The state of emergency declaration will continue to apply to the whole province....

B.C. sets sights on $15-an-hour minimum wage, reaffirms commitment to a fair wages commission

The provincial government is making its first move toward a $15-an-hour minimum wage for British Columbia by announcing a 50-cent increase for September and renewing its commitment to a fair wages commission. In making the announcement today, Premier John Horgan said moving over time to a $15 minimum wage is long overdue in...

B.C. government announces end to the grizzly bear trophy hunt

The NDP government announced Monday, that effective Nov. 30, 2017, the British Columbia government will end grizzly bear trophy hunting throughout the province and stop all hunting of grizzlies in the Great Bear Rainforest. Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Minister Doug Donaldson made the...

Canadian Forces to provide more assistance for B.C. wildfires

With weeks of British Columbia's fire season remaining and no relief from hot, dry conditions in sight, the Province has asked the federal government for additional Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) support through September. "Joint Task Force Pacific is always prepared to support our federal and provincial partners in keeping...

BC SPCA escalates rescue efforts for animals affected by wildfires

The BC SPCA is escalating rescue efforts to help animals impacted by B.C.’s raging wildfires. “Our staff and volunteers have been very active in supporting emergency services in affected areas, but as the wildfires spread we are escalating our involvement,” said Lorie Chortyk, general manager of community relations for the ...

Public urged to stay away from active wildfire areas

The BC Wildfire Service is urging members of the public to stay away from active wildfires wherever they may be in the province. British Columbia's fire management professionals, hardworking firefighters, aircraft crews and contracted firefighters need plenty of room to do this challenging work. The presence of unauthorized...

Opinion: If Saskatchewan Can Build a Geothermal Plant, Why Can't BC?

By Carol Linnett.  This article is from DeSmog Canada. While news of Saskatchewan’s plan for a small geothermal power plant was met with excitement by renewable energy advocates,  experts say British Columbia is far better situated to capitalize on the technology yet has failed to do so. “It should be a little bit of a shock...

BC Nurses’ Union calls for more treatment options as province-wide opioid overdose deaths soar

Front-line workers demand government provide more treatment programs as crisis shows no signs of slowing down Sara Bates has worked as an outreach nurse in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside for 11 years and says it’s been extremely difficult to watch as the opioid crisis takes a critical toll on the community she calls her office....

Hunter-Funded Wildlife Agency Quietly Announced Before BC Election

By Judith Lavoie.  This article is from DeSmog Canada. A plan to form a new, independent wildlife management agency in B.C., which would relieve the provincial government from managing contentious wildlife issues such as grizzly, wolf and caribou populations, is generating anxiety among some conservation groups who fear the...

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