

A message for the NDP: Trust the people, be bold, take a risk

Parliament resumed yesterday and Canadians could be forgiven if they decided they would rather stick pins in their arms than watch another round of Stephen Harper’s cynical manipulation compete with Michael Ignatieff’s inept political meandering. I haven’t seen a recent poll on whether or not people want an election, but it wouldn’t surprise me if […]

The Web passes newspapers in ad spending for first time

Advertisers will spend more on internet ads in 2010 than newspaper ads for the first time, according to new estimates by eMarketer. Online ad spending will grow 13.9% to $25.8 billion for the full year in 2010, while advertisers are expected to spend just $22.78 billion on print newspaper ads this year, down 8.2% from 2009, […]

Species-at-risk defenders walk away from NAFTA review process

An international coalition of environmental groups, represented by Ecojustice, has withdrawn in protest a complaint against Canada, a first in the history of NAFTA’s environmental watchdog.  The complaint, made to the Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC) in 2006, alleged that the Canadian government failed to enforce laws to protect at least 197 at-risk species in […]

How to deal with our economic and environmental challenges together

 “The economy is a subsidiary of the ecosystem…The only place where the environment and economy are separated is in the human mind.” – Dr. William Rees, UBC Professor, Founder of the ‘Eco-footprint’ concept Perhaps the most foolish and dangerous misconception of our time is that we must somehow choose between the economy and the environment. […]

Postscript on the new McCarthyism

 A year ago I wrote a column reflecting on the activities of the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism (CPCCA), the Canadian branch of the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism. The latter is an international pro-Zionist group whose sole task is to redefine anti-Semitism to mean virtually any criticism of Israel. It developed at the behest of […]

Mortgage financing reform needed to avoid another crisis: report

In a report released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), two prominent economists propose changes to U.S. and Canadian mortgage finance polices to prevent a future financial crisis.   The report is authored by Doug Peters, former Secretary of State (Finance) and former TD Bank Chief Economist, and economic consultant Arthur Donner. […]

Postmedia newspapers innovate with iPad editions

Ten of Canada’s major newspapers, including The Province, have broken new ground in the digital world, launching innovative apps for the Apple iPad. “Walk into any coffee house in this city and you see more and more people enjoying an iPad break with their favourite beverage,” noted Province Editor-in-chief Wayne Moriarty. “We want The Province […]

FAULTLINES: Canada/Israel: The other 'special relationship'

 This episode of Faultlines on the Real News Network explores how Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is working to conflate the concepts of ‘anti-Israel as an apartheid state’ and ‘anti-semitism’ so that anyone critical of Israel will be considered anti-semitic. Essential viewing for anyone who cares about reason, democracy, and human rights.

Report: Richest 1% income shares at historic high

Canada’s richest 1% are taking more of the gains from economic growth than ever before in recorded history, says a report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). The Rise of Canada’s Richest 1% looks at income trends over the past 90 years and reveals the 246,000 privileged few who rank among the country’s […]

Vander Zalm calls for resignation of Election BC's acting Chief Electoral Officer Craig James

Fight HST Leader Bill Vander Zalm is calling for the resignation of Elections BC Acting Chief Electoral Officer Craig James in the wake of James’ decision to reject the application for Recall by Oak Bay-Gordon Head proponent Michael Roy Hayes on the basis that the Recall statement attached to the petition application is “too long”. […]

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