

How the financial industry can pay fairer taxes

Canada’s financial sector has been the greatest beneficiary of recent corporate income tax cuts, as well as from preferred tax rates applied to capital gains taxes and stock options. In total, the value of these tax preferences and recent tax cuts now adds up to approximately $11 billion a year for Canada’s financial sector and […]

OP/ED: A Conservative majority. Now what?

There is no point dwelling on the obvious other than to simply reiterate it. The election of a Conservative majority government will usher in wrenching change in Canada and we will have to witness the worst that Stephen Harper has to offer. It remains to be seen whether or not Harper actually wants to stay […]

Strategic voting is more important than ever

Analysts and activists across the country are still trying to get a serious grip on the stunning rise in the polls of Jack Layton’s NDP – almost pinching themselves in the aftermath of fear and the loathing that characterized the first weeks of the election. How is it possible that Harper could stay in striking distance of ...

Corporate tax cuts not delivering on job creation—study

After a decade of corporate tax cuts, the benefits to Canada’s largest corporations are clear but the job creation payoff for Canadians hasn’t materialized, says a study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). The study, by CCPA Research Associate David Macdonald, tracked 198 of the 245 companies on the S&P/TSX composite […]

A Harper majority and the remaking of Canada

Stephen Harper’s announcement that he is going to reach his deficit elimination goal a year early and do it by lopping $11 billion off federal spending is in effect lifting the veil on his long feared “hidden agenda.” It is hidden no more as the polling numbers, for both his leadership and his party’s support, […]

Harper off to a shaky start

 The election campaign is less than week old and Stephen Harper seems to be demonstrating that he is even more of a mad hatter than people thought. Despite his superman view of himself – the smartest man in the universe not just in the room – he has looked very shaky and is proving that […]

OP/ED: Why Canada attacked Libya

Would Stephen Harper attack Libya simply to justify spending tens of billions of dollars on F-35 fighter jets? Perhaps. But, add on doing it for major Canadian investors, reinforcing his “principled” foreign policy rhetoric and reasserting western control over a region in flux, and you pretty much have the range of reasons why a half […]

Layton pulls the plug on Harper government

The drama is over and Jack Layton and the NDP clearly did the right thing, very quickly rejecting the Conservatives’ budget and pledging to vote against it “in its current form.” That held out the possibility of voting in favour of an amended budget which Finance Minister Flaherty quickly scotched with a Bush-like – you […]

Political parties, watchdogs all agree, Budget 2011 fails

There is little doubt that a Canadian federal election is in the air as all three national opposition parties condemned the 2011 / 12 budget presented today by the Conservatives. Although both the Liberal and New Democratic (NDP) parties call for more support for Canadian families, less bonuses for corporations and criticized the Conservatives for […]

The upcoming federal election and its parallel universe

In trying to anticipate what a federal election campaign will look like — and it seems increasingly likely that we will be unable to avoid one – it is striking that the biggest issues facing humankind are not even on the radar, yet alone being framed as planks in any party’s campaign platform.   This […]

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