

Teck May Pay Big for Lead Spill, Ordered to Pay Native Band's Legal Costs

Teck may be on the hook for millions of dollars for the large spill of lead and hydrofluoric acid from its Trail plant into the Columbia River in the spring of 2008. The spill, which occurred at approximately 5:30 PM on May 28th, 2008, was attributed to a heat exchanger in the lead refinery which failed, allowing electrolyte...

Gone Skiin'

A Happy New Year from the Telegraph to you and yours. For the last week it seems as though Rossland has been shut down; we've scrambled over snowy hill and icy dale searching for news, but news seems to have gone skiing. We found a couple of parties, but nothing anyone would appreciate being featured on the front page of the...

Red Lifts to Start Turning This Friday

The first major snowfall of the season hit the Kootenays last week with up to forty centimetres being reported at higher elevations. While it’s not out of the norm for winter storm cycles to get fired up this late into December, the big snowfall has cranked up the itch to strap on skis and snowboards and get out on the local...

Olympic Torch to Pass Through Rossland

The Olympic Flame will pass through Rossland on its way towards the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. The 2010 Olympic Torch Relay will begin its 106-day Canadian journey on October 30, 2009 and is scheduled to pass through Rossland on January 24, 2010. The Flame’s pan-Canadian journey will culminate on February 12, 2010...

Editorial: Make Your Voice Heard

Even as a kind of cosmic alignment seems to be occurring south of the border something similar may be taking place here in tiny Rossland. In the United States, the threat of economic and ecological collapse are being countered by the choice of a new president, Barack Hussein Obama, who represents a progressive, deracinated ...

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