

LETTER: Who is council representing on DCC charges?

Dear editor,Rossland Council has given developers another break which will ultimately be at the expense of taxpayers. At a recent meeting, Council decided not to consider a revised Development Cost Charge (DCC) bylaw until 2011. The ostensible reason given for the delay was the “infrastructure assessment” that is to be...

LETTER: Council passes buck, drops ball on DCCs?

Dear editor,Rossland taxpayers should be justifiably upset to learn that Council has deferred any action on Development Cost Charges (DCCs) until 2011. They should not be surprised that the Mayor supports this, since he was a councilor, and subsequently Mayor, of the Council that set Development Cost Charges (DCCs) at a...

Police warn parents about possible flasher in the area

  Police are warning local parents to take extra precautions in supervising their children at parks and playgrounds, after an incident last Friday. “The Nelson Police Department is investigating an incident involving an adult male who indecently exposed himself to a seven-year-old girl on July 2 at the Nelson Community Complex,” said Sgt. Howie Grant. “Witnesses […]

Noyes trial continues with RCMP testimony

The trial of Kimberly Noyes, a 43-year-old Grand Forks resident, continues this week as the crown presents its case providing evidence that Noyes is responsible for the murder of 12-year-old John Fulton. Over the last two days the court heard testimony from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) major crimes unit officers who were involved […]

The Trail Resident Card, one year on: a lose-lose-lose situation. Mission accomplished?

At last Monday's regular council meeting in Trail, the issue of renewing the Trail Resident Program card program came up and a motion supporting the idea was passed with relatively little fanfare. Born out of the breakdown of regional recreation, the TRP card was designed as a two-tier pricing system for Trail recreation...

Mountain Kingdom Reno: embracing the mystery...er, misery

Townsfolk! Warmer, drier days are upon us. Like rapidly dwindling stocks of fresh water, your hesitation to undertake nagging home projects must evaporate, your ambivalence toward leaky faucets and sagging eaves troughs need to slow to a trickle. You must channel your inner handy-person through the canal-like locks of a banal...

Ground breaks for New Chances Gaming Centre

Today saw ground-breaking ceremonies for a gaming centre slated to open beside the airport next June in Castlegar. More than one official expressed relief to see the oft-delayed $6.5-million construction finally under way. “I believe that today’s groundbreaking reflects a growing confidence in Castelgar as a place of choice for new business in the West […]

MP shreds closure of newspaper

 “The closing of the Nelson Daily News and the loss of 25 jobs in this community is another blow to rural B.C.,” said BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko today. He was reacting to Monday’s news that B.C. media chain Black Press purchased eleven papers from Glacier Media, including the Nelson Daily News, the Trail […]

TECH TALK: How safe are teens spending time in front of the computer this summer?

 I’ve heard it said that raising teenagers is like trying to nail Jello to a tree. It’s only fair to my adolescent readers to point out that, from their perspective, dealing with parents is often a very similar experience. So, what does this have to do with technology? Well, McAfee just released a report in […]

Black buys out local media chain - Nelson Daily News to close

It’s the end of an era – 109-year-old Nelson Daily News (NDN) will be closing its doors, perhaps as soon as July 30 of this year … and The Weekender magazine may also be a casualty. Although The Source has been unable to confirm the exact details of a massive local media purchase, it appears Black […]

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