

Overwhelming "no" in recreation expansion referendum

 The official results are not yet in, but the preliminary ballots show such a resounding “no” vote that no other finale is a possibility in today’s $25-million recreation referendum in Castlegar. The Regional District of Central Kootenay posted the unoffical results on the district website Saturday night.   With just under 40-per-cent voter turn-out, the […]

Air quality advisory issued

The Ministry of Environment in collaboration with the Interior Health Authority has issued an Air Quality Advisory for Grand Forks, Christina Lake, Castlegar, Trail and Creston because of high concentrations of fine particulates which are expected to persist until Sunday. Avoid strenuous outdoor activities. If you are experiencing difficulty in breathing, chest pain or discomfort, sudden […]

Fire season in region comes in at less than half of average

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyThe number of fires that burned in the West Kootenay region this year was less than half of the 10-year average, with even fewer hectares than anywhere else in the province succumbing to forest fire blazes, according to the Southeast Fire Centre.There were only 227 fires that were reported...

REVIEW: Paranormal Activity 2 abnormally un-scary

There is a scene in Paranormal Activity 2 which, I believe, represents the entire movie. It's a shot of the baby Hunter's bedroom with that very baby lying in his crib. As soon as I saw this I thought to myself, 'that poor baby is going to float in the air' and lo and behold a minute later that baby floated. How did I know?...

Castlegar has bigger worries than a luncheon of Campbell's Coup

 I think most of us can safely bet the farm on which news story will be dominating B.C. media in the coming weeks – but I hope it doesn’t distract Castlegar from the huge looming issues our community will face over the same timeframe, regardless who holds power in Victoria. Truth be told, with the […]

Premier Gordon Campbell resigns

B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell said Wednesday he’ll resign as soon as a leadership convention can be held by the Liberal party.  Campbell, the province’s 34th premier, said he has asked the Liberal party to hold a leadership convention as soon as possible to find a new leader.   “It’s time for a new person to […]

Taking back our BC: Rafe Mair and crew bring their Common Sense Canadian tour through Rossland

Just what is fascism, how has it creeped back into our society, and what can we do about it to bring the power back to the people in British Columbia were three major questioned posed last week as Rafe Mair and company brought their travelling road show to Rossland. Calling their tour “The Common Sense Canadian Town Hall Tour:...

Tax exemption bylaw passes, but controversies linger

This past Wednesday, October 27th at noon during a special meeting of council, Rossland officially adopted its new revitalization tax exemption bylaw. At its core, the intent of the bylaw is to remove one hindrance building owners face in fixing up or expanding their non-residential buildings in the hopes that it will attract...

Waiting for Oz: RLOP Warms up with original dinner theatre show

  At the height of ski season, after an influx of skiers from far away swells the population of Rossland, February 2011 will see an influx of another kind: the short, high-pitched voice kind, the witchy kind, and the kind missing key major organs most of us could not survive without. I am not talking about anything Halloween-related...

Bringing out Miss Happy: Coping with S.A.D.

I know there are so many people here in the Mountain Kingdom who are so excited about winter they can barely contain themselves. This is a ski and winter sport mecca, so I get that. People look forward to this season all year and obsess over snow predictions as a Wall Street investment banker might obsess […]

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