BC Transit to unify services across RDCK and RDKB
The vision of a unified transit system covering both the Kootenay Boundary and Central Kootenay regions is a step closer to reality, according to Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff. Chernoff is also chair of the newly-formed West Kootenay Transit Committee, which had its first meeting Wednesday. “We met yesterday with BC Transit, and that’s when it […]
WestJet one step closer to Castlegar?
WestJet has asked representatives of the West Kootenay Regional Airport Advisory Committee to meet with airline staff later this month to discuss why WestJet should come to Castlegar (see also: http://castlegarsource.com/news/westjet-clarifies-invitation-19383). Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff, Nelson mayor John Dooley, city manager John Malcolm and former MP (and air traffic controller) Jim Gouk will be among the […]
Crazy weather forces RDCK to crank up Emergency Operations Centre as rivers rise in region
Forty-eight hours and counting of Environment Canada rainfall warnings has swelled rivers in the region, forcing the Regional District of Central Kootenay to issue a Level 3 flood watch for the Kootenay Region. The decision is in response to several problem areas identified throughout the region. Level 3 indicates positions within the RDCK Emergency Operations […]
Local man perishes after vehicle ends up in Slocan Lake Wednesday morning
Slocan Lake RCMP are conducting an investigation into the death of a local man after his vehicle drove into the lake at the Slocan City Boat Launch. At approximately 8 a.m. Wednesday, RCMP received a report of a vehicle driving into Slocan Lake. Local Fire Department, B.C. Ambulance and Slocan Lake RCMP responded to the […]
UPGRADE UPDATE: Blasting a success
Blasting of the bedrock under Columbia Avenue took place on Sunday. This was expertly managed, as the five blasts were scarcely felt or heard. This week, blasted rock is being removed and the sewer line will be installed. The core sampling done prior to the dig did not discover the bedrock because the bedrock was situated ...
LETTER: Class of '52 thanks RSS PAC
Dear Rossland Secondary School and Parent Advisory Committee: We would like to thank you for inviting us to your sixtieth anniversary of the High School. It was very special for our classes of 1951 and 1952. We were very impressed with the tour of the school led by two knowledgable students, Clara and Alexandria. They easily...
BC pesticide committee offers misguided recommendations due to reliance on a deficient pesticide regulatory system
BC’s Special Committee on Cosmetic Pesticides reportrecommended against a ban on the sale and use of common pesticides for lawns and gardens. Prevent Cancer Nowhas reviewed the BC report. Its conclusions are based on blind faith in Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA). We believe that faith, and the...
Auditors could not locate certain tender documents for arena project
A letter from the auditor to city staff released to council last week indicates that certain key documents are missing in the arena project paper trail, but city management insist that all documentation is retained for five years. Consequently, it is unclear whether these aspects of the project were tendered, as required by...
Jubilation at Jubilee! Playing with final plans before new monkey bars come to town…
The final plans for the new RSS playground have come together with only a few more decisions to make—and a few more dollars to raise—before the new park is built, most likely in September. As Coun. Jill Spearn told council on May 28, "One way or another, the playground is going to go in this summer." After a long process of...
Summer's here (though you wouldn't know it to look out the window) and the pool awaits...
The Summer Brochure went into the mailboxes last week. If you did not receive one, you can view the Brochure online, at www.rossland.ca. You can also pick up a hard copy at City Hall, in the Recreation Department. The last Folk Dancing class of the season takes place Wednesday, June 6 at the Miners Hall, from 7:00-9:30pm....