

UPDATED: Environment Canada continues rainfall warning

The rainfall warning issued by Environment Canada Monday is scheduled to continue through the BC interior  Wednesday with heavy rain expected. And guess what? There’s also snow in the forcast expected at 1500 metres. The remnants of a significant low pressure system are giving heavy rain to the Peace River region and widespread showers to […]

Too much consumption of alcohol keeps NPD busy during weekend

Nelson Police officers were kept busy dealing with people consuming too much alcohol during the weekend. Monday morning, officers responded to man uttering threats to an ex-girlfriend and the women’s new boyfriend. When police arrived they found the intoxicated man passed out in front of his home contrary to conditions of probation from previous charges. […]

Rossland Museum Gateway Project: Local group generating innovative ideas

What will Rossland’s Museum look like in the next few years? With the permanent closure of the underground Adit in 2011, a group of Rossland residents has been meeting since January to generate innovative ideas for the future. “We see this as a potential opportunity to create an attraction--a Gateway Project--to draw people...

Tidy thief breaks into Old Salmo Mill

Salmo RCMP received a report of a rather tidy thief Sunday at the Old Salmo Mill on Airport Road. This was the second break-and-enter in recent days. The thief gained entry through one of the main buildings by going through an exterior wall made of plywood. For unknown reasons suspect(s) actually swept up after leaving. […]

CSI Kootenay: Cool new cop gadgets in Trail

Ed Note: The following is a press release issue by RCMP Inspector Nick Romanchuk: A digital fingerprint scanner, directly linked to the fingerprint and criminal record databases in Ottawa, has been installed at the RCMP Detachment in Trail. This device will allow us to become much more operationally efficient in terms of processing both criminal […]

Region to say goodbye to local hero tomorrow (Friday)

The tri-city area will bid farewell to a local icon Friday in the gymnasium of the Cominco Arena at 11 a.m. BC Ambulance Services Trail Unit Chief David Martin, 57, died of chronic lymphocytic leukemia on May 25, after a decade-long battle with the disease. Martin’s wife, Myrna, said Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital staff displayed […]

OP/ED: Strange bedfellows not such a bad thing after all

Ahhhh, spring is now, finally, here. It’s a time of year when thoughts turn to love …which makes me giggle now, as I look at my husband. He’s possibly the last guy in the world I ever would have pictured myself with, no matter how carried away I was with Spring Fever, and I am […]

Grant applications cause more head-butting in council

As new grant applications surface in council chambers in the wake of the controversial application for a four-season swimming pool last December, council has been grappling with questions around process and policy.Last December's grant application for a four-season swimming pool was presented to council only days before the...

Council to consider a broadband fibre optic Internet service

On Monday evening, Coun. Jody Blomme expressed her "passionate" interest in hooking Rossland up to the high speed Internet framework offered by the Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC), and council agreed with Blomme’s proposal to receive a presentation by the CBBC's chief operating officer, Mark Halwa. Halwa's...

DCCs are dead, city moves towards new ways to recover development infrastructure costs

Council finalized the repeal of both Development Cost Charges (DCCs) and the Regional District Sewer Service Cost Recovery Service (SSCR) on Monday, and now staff will begin to draft a new development charge to help the municipality recover infrastructure costs incurred by new development. Statutory approval for the DCC repeal...

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