

Scrooge You: not everyone loves Christmas

So it’s December first today and on Saturday there is going to be a sizable Christmas event in the town square, an event meant to “rekindle” our Christmas spirits. A tree will be lit. I think there will be fire involved, but I don’t really know what else is happening because I don’t plan on attending.   Let me state outright...

Deanne Steven, Tourism Rossland, a multi-coloured whiteboard and a look back a the year that was

Deanne Steven has a tough job. Her whiteboard, unlike my bare naked one, is full of multi-coloured dates, reminders, and to-dos.  On this Wednesday morning, it’s a good thing she’s an early riser and a self-described “morning person”; her get up and go attitude help offset my admittedly haggard early morning manners.   Deanne...

We're semi-finalists! Neighbourhoods of Learning project gets 8,000 plus votes in Aviva competition

With the support of hundreds of locals, Rossland’s Neighbourhoods of Learning Committee has taken a step closer to gaining additional funding as it charged into the semi-finals of the Aviva Community Fund competition this week. Competing in the medium project range category for funding between $25,000 and $100,000, the...

Community rallying to support a little Rossland ripper

We’re lucky in Rossland to enjoy wonderful lifestyles often centered around our recreational activities of choice in a beautiful location. Sometimes, however, unforeseen health troubles can stop us in our tracks. Luckily residents of the Golden City have a habit of rallying around those in need. Whether it's a hand pulling ...

Kootenay kids think big for contraption contest

Close your eyes and dream for a moment. Use your imagination to leap forward in time to 2050 and have a look around. Now ask yourself the question: what new technology or advancements in existing technology will we need to keep us healthy and safe by the mid-point of the century? In conjunction with the National Science and...

LETTER: Tracing back the roots of the sewer debate

Re. your story about the ‘near record-setting disagreement’ over the Regional sewage system. You say that the Liquid Waste Management Plan has been stalled at Phase 1 since the service review was called by Trail over a year ago.    If a record is to be claimed I think that it’s important to get the facts right. The process ...

A Silent Holocaust

No teenager, or anyone for that matter, enjoys hearing the words fag or dyke said to them or anyone else. But why is it still ignored when it does happen? The first few weeks of the school year, I read about six teens from the USA who had committed suicide. All six of these adolescent boys were gay. They’re not the only teens...

White attitudes at high altitudes: racism in early Rossland

With some recent content in the Telegraph regarding the rich cultural history of Rossland, it’s easy to see that we have a lot to celebrate in this town in terms of the different heritages that helped make this town what it is today. One can even say that Rossland is a microcosm of Canada’s multicultural mosaic. However, there...

Jersey Emerald Mine could create 90 jobs: consultant

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily At least 90 jobs and $7 million annually in salaries will be injected into the region if the Jersey Emerald mine south of Salmo gets off the ground, the consultant for the tungsten mining project said Thursday. Ed Lawrence told the Regional District of Central Kootenay board of directors...

Much Mo' Mo'vember: Cho'colate 'staches at the Mo'untain Nu'gget

 In late-breaking Mo’vember news, now anyone that missed the starter’s pistol for growing their mo’ in support of men’s health can still get in on the act.(Mo’vember, for those of you still in the dark, is a November-long commitment in which participating dudes grow a moustache and gather donations from their community to...

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