

Pipe dreams for 2011

In true GCC style, I present to you a list of things I’d love to see happen in Rossland and the area in 2011 but in reality most likely won’t happen. Apart from maybe a couple of weather-related items on the list, I don’t think I’m asking for anything terribly outrageous, though, and most of the things here I think many of ...

Winter's here; time to think...Gardening?

Ahh, the perfect January day in Rossland. The new-fallen snow is sparkling in the brilliant winter sun; the air is just crisp enough to greet cheeks and noses with a kiss of cold; and the peacefulness of snow dampened sound set a scene that could be straight out of a holiday snow globe. What’s the first thought that comes to...

Grading Rossland's sustainability efforts

We’ve got a plan to make Rossland more sustainable in place, but how is it working? That question will now begin to be answered as the Sustainability Commission works toward completing Phase Three of its State of Rossland project in the coming weeks. “We have to monitor how well the Strategic Sustainability Plan implementation...

Tips to get back on track now that Christmas is over!

One of the areas I address, especially after the holiday season, is helping people get into a good routine again with eating and to try to lose those added pounds from the holidays. Here are a few tips to achieve that goal.Eat three full meals a day to keep the fire burning and burn off excess fatAlways eat breakfast. Whole...

The year in photos

I never would have thought that an innocent, one-person Olympic protest would result in a pretty sweet writing gig, but that’s exactly what happened in January 2010. My only aim with my little protest was to have my voice heard, and I think I accomplished that. But I also was, as a result, given the opportunity by the Telegraph...

The Year in News: August 2010

In perhaps one of the most bizarre stories of the year, that of bears being used as guard dogs at a Christina Lake marijuana grow op grew stranger by the day. From D-List Canadian Celebrities coming out in support of the bears followed by viral petitions and the emergence of “The Bear Dude,” as a new character in the Kootenay...

The Year in News: July 2010

What better way is their to spend a summer day than getting high in a group to celebrate your country? Rosslanders kicked of the month of July in typical fashion; perched high on Mt. Roberts before lamenting the year the was in regional recreation while at the same time celebrating recreation in Rossland as more trails were...

The Year in News: June 2010

The invasion of the bears reached peak levels in June as a record number were being destroyed in the region. By mid-June in the Castlegar region alone 18 bears had already been destroyed. One particular bear, shot in the foot, wounded by, but not killed led conservation officers on a wild bear chase around the city as sightings...

The Year in News: May 2010

Staring down the potential loss of its school's as well as what could amount to being one of the most expensive projects in recent Rossland history the City got behind two worthy initiatives. May 13th - Saving Rossland's Schools: The City puts its money where its heart is The City of Rossland put it’s money where it’s heart...

The Year in News: April 2010

April brought with it a sense of protectionism to town; namely how to protect the sale of locally grown eggs and those who eat them. Further afield a group of friendly folk were trying to solve a half century long riddle on how to get both protection and management abilities on the Old Glory alpine area. April 29th - Egg-cellent...

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