

Drainage, density prove problematic for proposed Warfield condo development

A new condominium project proposed for Warfield took a bit of a beating this week as the developer was swamped by citizen concerns about drainage and density at a public meeting in the village Monday night. Kelowna custom homebuilder Paul Nesbitt has owned the 17.5 acre parcel of land in Lower Warfield between Montcalm Road...

Remembering Old Maclean School, Part 2

The aftermath of the February 5, 1981 Maclean school fire was gigantic: 300 students were now without a school, learning materials, and other resources. Teachers and administrative staff were now faced with a host of logistical issues. The school board had a behemoth of a problem on its hands. Everyone felt the loss acutely,...

Rossland to London: RSS Drama Students Gear up for Big Trip

Now that February is upon us and the sun is shining (though who knows for how long) it’s getting easier to see that spring is more than a mere dream around here, and that means that spring break is getting so close you can feel it. The anticipation of this year’s spring break is palpable for 12 Rossland Secondary students who...

COMMENT: Congrats on a wonderful winter carnival, Rossland

Saturday. I knew I was in trouble within the first few minutes of the remarkable Ski Bum musical, when everyone around me began roaring with recognition at each bum-based joke and I caught myself identifying sheepishly with the awkward anthropologist. In brief, the trouble is this: I love my toque, but I still take it off...

Big cats, small dogs and loving owners - a harrowing tale straight out of the Kootenays

Responses to the photo (accompanying this story) of an enormous cougar shot in the Pend d'Orielle two weeks ago have been varied but similar. Whether it be a sharp intake of breath followed by a prolonged “Wow!” or a choice curse word, everyone who has seen the picture has experienced surprise and fascination. The idea that...

War of words underway at MacLean Elementary as MacLean Reads kicks off

There’s a battle of the books going on over at MacLean elementary school these days as a group of fourth and fifth grade readers duke it with fists of fiction over whose chosen book is best.  Sparked by an idea that was sparked by an idea, the genesis of MacLean Reads lies in CBC’s Canada Reads competition. Canada Reads sees...

SD20 brings public into the budgeting process

The public got to hear about the potential projects School District 20 has received submissions for funding for next year’s budget this past Monday night at J.L. Crowe. Those that attended will now have the opportunity to be players in the overall task the School Board has of developing the 2011-2012 school year budget.   The...

City of Rossland: Debunking the Myth: Columbia Avenue and Washington Street Project

Ed. note. The following is a press release printed as received from the City of Rossland. The photo was added by the Telegraph.   It is well known that the Ministry Of Transportation has been planning to pave Columbia Avenue. In cooperation with MOT and in order to take advantage of the opportunity to have the paving paid for...

Are 'cheap' vitamins actually more expensive?

I’d like to share some information with you to make it easier to decide which supplements to buy when you are faced with so many choices!  It also explains why certain supplements are more expensive than others.   Many people go into a store to buy vitamins, minerals or herbal supplements and are confused about which to buy. ...

Salmo’s Songbird: Introducing Kyla Hanna

I often lament that there simply is not enough heavy metal music in the Kootenays, yet I certainly don’t want anyone thinking there is no quality music around here, or any talent of equal calibre as some of the Finnish power metal I enjoy so much. Joe Hill Coffee House on January 16 might not have had any metal in it, but it...

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