

It’s bear-ly spring but the Teddy Bear’s Picnic is already underway

Although the weather may not be aware of the fact, the calendar says it’s now spring. Snow cover or no snow cover, Rossland’s ursine population is hungry and they’re setting out on food finding missions. Careless humans who get in the way may find their spring, summer, or the rest of their lives impacted. Over the past two ...

Restored facility grants boost SD20 coffers

School District#20 received a welcome announcement last week to the tune of a near half million dollars. The turbulent Annual Facilities Grant (AFG) awarded by the province jumped up to near-historical levels as part of a total $110 million dollar announcement by the Ministry of Education.The grants themselves are for school...

EDITORIAL: Choice without information does not equal democracy

Democracy: government for and by the people. It's a novel concept, that the people directly affected by the actions of a government can or should have a say in the decision making process. In parts of the world right now people are willing to sacrifice their lives to gain democracy. Indeed, the notion of people having even ...

Protests, papparazi,royal weddings and Jack the Ripper. Just your typical RSS field trip.

Though spring break 2011 is over, a group of drama students from RSS (and one from Nova Scotia) and their chaperones have enough amazing memories to last a lifetime after a week spent in London. The group left Spokane on March 19th and after a lengthy delay in Minneapolis, arrived late in London on the 21st, and returned home...

Bring on the Brutal Babes - Derby fever sweeps the Kootenays as the roller girls return

The largest roller derby league in Canada is skating into its first official season with a double-header in Rossland April 16th. The West Kootenay Women’s Roller Derby League presents “The Quads Must Be Crazy,” featuring a bout between Salmo’s Babes of Brutality and Rossland’s Gnarlie’s Angels.   The derby girls fought hard...

Artists Among Us: Mirja Vahala

Perhaps the greatest and busiest artist of all time, Mother Nature has been the mentor for Rouge Gallery artist and Castlegar resident Mirja Vahalla. Moving, over time, from the Lower Mainland to Castlegar and traveling to the far reaches of the earth, Mirja’s style and true love has always lied in capturing the movement of...

Gnarly new bylaws roll into action: Doggy do-do’s become doggy don’t-don’ts

What does a local puppy have in common with Rossland's ace roller derby team Gnarlie's Angels? Only the fact that both are now part of an innovative approach to bylaw enforcement in the Golden City. Vacant for more than two years, the City of Rossland’s arguably toughest job (that of bylaw officer) has been filled as part of...

How it played out: Earth Hour 2011’s numbers locally, provincially, and nationally

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the organization behind international phenomenon Earth Hour, a billion people on this planet turned out their lights to celebrate the event’s third year and show support for action against global climate change. Locally, the hour in the dark also seems to have been a success, though...

Composting contractors in the blue bin? Council asks for more info on companies seeking Columbia Ave work

Rosslanders will doubtless be happy to know that ISL Engineering staff compost in their Langley office. But despite much such massaging of our sustainability sweet spot in the engineers' appeals, a rather confused council requested a lot more information Monday before proceeding with a contractor choice for the Columbia Avenue...

Success by Six: Making life better for local families despite funding crunch

They may not be Whitney Houston, but, yes, they do firmly believe that children are our future and despite a 10% cut to their provincial funding this year, the Success by Six program, now formally in its eight year of operation in BC, continues to do more with less.  The news of a funding cut isn’t all bad for the group,...

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