

The dogs have their day in Centennial Park

One of the first waves of warm weather brought the Golden City out to play over the weekend as a preview to the dog days of summer. The dog days of spring were already in full flight at Centennial Park on Sunday, however, as 47 of our four-legged friends came out to play in the first annual Mutt Strut. While the weather in ...

Spring is springing at Rossland’s Community Garden

Has spring really arrived? I am carefully optimistic that it has, and judging by the recession of my twin front yard glaciers, whose melting I monitor many times during the day, it seems like my optimism might not be misplaced this time. This means that gardening season is fast approaching, and one sure sign that there are ...

Kiss-Off Cancer Cook-Off educates and delights diners

Rossland chefs and community cooks alike rose to the challenge in the first annual Kiss-Off Cancer Cook-Off, held on Sunday, May 1. Hungry guests and Prevent Cancer Now, a national organization aimed at eliminating the preventable causes of cancer, were the beneficiaries in the town’s biggest and healthiest gourmet pot-luck...

City doles out nearly $45,000 of CBT money to local community groups

The hyper-active community scene in Rossland received welcome gifts this week from the Columbia Basin Trust this week courtesy Rossland City Council. The breadth and width of the community groups existing in the Mountain Kingdom presented a challenge to City Council in that there were more requests than there was more money...

Tales and Legends of the Mountain Kingdom: A Tale of Many Papers

Back in the 1890s, Rossland was not only a gold and mining speculator’s dream come true, but it was also ripe with opportunity in other fields. I mean, what one thing does every self-respecting muddy mining camp way out in the sticks, filled with rough-and-tumble folks from all over the place, need as badly as a saloon and ...

Rossland Glee Club ready for inaugural gig

Strip away the mega-star cameos, the high school love stories and slushy attacks and what you’ve got left of Glee the TV show is a bunch of everyday folks with a penchant for song and dance that, when put together with proper direction, has spawned a hit TV show and seemingly weekly appearances on the iTunes charts. Consequently...

Cooking to beat Cancer: Delicious pilot project launches in Rossland this weekend

 Ben Franklin once said, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'. Another wise person also opined that 'you are what you eat'. Together, these two principles frame the thinking behind Prevent Cancer Now’s new pilot event to be held in Rossland this weekend. The Kiss-Off Cancer Cook-Off is spreading the good word...

15 SD20 kids receive $1,000 scholarships through innovative trades program

 The Trades have long been an important piece of the West Kootenay's economic backbone and this week, as part of the Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) program offered by School District 20, 15 deserving students were rewarded for their efforts with one thousand dollar scholarships. Designed as a transition program to ease...

Break and enter spree causes damages, lost cash

Rossland’s peaceful downtown strip was violated early last Wednesday morning as a group of three men wielding crow bars broke into three downtown shops, apparently on a mission for cash.  The Red Pair and Mountain Life, side by side in the lower level of the old Bank of Montreal building, along with Clancey’s several doors ...

Give Rossland a voice: attend or submit questions for All Candidates Forum this Wednesdday

Rossland All Candidates' Forum Wednesday evening: what do you want to ask your wannabe MPs?   With voter numbers declining annually and now hanging only slightly above the 50% mark, the issue of 'democracy' is even more of a centerpiece for this election than usual. This Wednesday evening will be Rossland's chance to ask some...

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