

A talk on skiing before lifts in Rossland, how to parent a teenager, and much more!

Are you parenting a Teenager?  How’s that working for you?  Crossing the bridge from childhood to adulthood has never been so daunting.  The Recreation Department has purchased the “Making Sense of Adolescence” DVD series—an eight part video course that will help shed light into this often dark and confusing time. He gives ...

EDITORIAL: A convivial approach to campaigning...the Telegraph's 'beers and ballots' event

This coming Thursday evening, at 7pm the Rossland Telegraph will be hosting an informal discussion with the candidates at the Red Room lounge in the Prestige. Pithily named 'beers and ballots', the goal is to allow ordinary folks to sit down with other ordinary folks (your candidates) for a pleasant chat about local issues,...

Candidate Questions 8: Rossland is known as a ski town. How can we increase tourism in the other three seasons? Is that even desirable?

Rossland self-identifies as a 'ski town', but the long term viability of this city demands either  an expansion of Red or a need for diversification of this identity. Hence today's question: "Rossland’s economy currently depends on winter tourists. How do you perceive Rossland's relationship with Red Mountain? How can we...

COMMENT: In response to Andrew Bennett’s Nov 12th Item

I think most Rosslanders agree that provisions for higher density housing forms to lower costs are a good idea.  These thoughts are crystallized in the 2008 Official Community Plan in section 18.2.  However, the OCP also recognizes the risks of radically changing neighbourhoods.  The following section of the OCP at 18.3.4...

COMMENT: Zoning bylaw grew from Rosslanders' voices and holds promise for the future

Bill Micklethwaite recently wrote a letter to the editor, "Zoning bylaw takes away Rosslanders' voices." Here I offer some different facts and a different interpretation of them.By no means does the new zoning bylaw "drastically curtail" Rosslander's ability to give input.On the contrary, any day of the week citizens can...

Candidate Questions 7: What ideas do you have to diversify the economy, create employment, and generate income within the city?

We all know that Rossland is a city built, to a large extent, on dreams. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! From those who crossed a continent dreaming of gold to those who did the same dreaming of a skier's paradise--it's our heritage and our preferred mode of consciousness. However...we do also need to put food...

COMMENT: The justification of massacre and the elusive goal of peace

 Today we consider the great terror of war; Remembrance Day swells each of our chests differently, but the same. Emotions are strong, or should be. Whether we know it or not, both as individuals and societies, our past and present are infused with war. That should terrify us.Wars build in a wave of motives and he-said-she-saids...

"I ain't dead yet" comes to town...live!

The Rossland Council for Arts and Culture presents the one-man show: I Ain’t Dead Yet, performed and written by Tim Machin from the life and writing of Woody Guthrie. “I Ain’t Dead Yet” is a one man show based on the life and times of Woody Guthrie the famous American folk singer and social activist. Over the course of this...

Candidate Questions 5: How important is the Active Transportation Plan to you?

This one may seem like a no-brainer for anyone hoping to get elected in this town, but it's still worth knowing where candidates stand on the issue and what they'd like to see happen on a practical basis: "The Active Transportation Plan encourages non-motorized transport in and around town. How important is Rossland's trail...

LETTER: Zoning bylaw takes away Rosslander's voices

Dear editor,I wonder how many Rosslanders realize that their ability to have input on changes to zoning and housing in their neighbourhoods will be drastically curtailed next Monday, November 14th unless a significant number of us object? Staff and Council are proposing a major re-write of the present Zoning Bylaw.  While the...

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