

Surprise, surprise; B.C. Lions complete Cinderella season by knocking off Winnipeg 34-23 to capture 2011 Grey Cup

Those fans who tossed the B.C. Lions onto the scrap pile back in July are going get a huge surprise waking up Monday morning after reading the morning website.Because surprise, surprise, the B.C. Lions are 2011 Grey Cup Champions.The Canadian Football League’s Most Outstanding Player, Travis Lulay, tossed consecutive second...

Red Mountain Racers ramp up the communication with new online resources

A new facebook page, a blog, and a fresh website:  Red Mountain Racers continue to improve the way they communicate with the community in anticipation of a great ski season!  These are just a few highlights of the Red Mountain Racers AGM that was held Sunday at the Conference Centre at Red Mountain Resort.  While the racers...

Chinese martial arts and a ski waxing clinic: new this week! And family basketball!

Have you ever wondered about Chinese Martial Arts and the various forms and techniques?  Instructor Wayne Cheung is offering a 3 hour workshop that will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the discipline. Students can expect to learn the basics and foundations of all Chinese martial arts, including: the use of stance...

"I Ain't Dead Yet" brings Woody Guthrie back to life

On Friday night, Tim Machin's Woody Guthrie-inspired show, "I'm Not Dead Yet" played at the Miners' Hall. Videographer and new Telegraph contributor David Hartman took the opportunity to record Machin as he spoke of the inspiration he finds in Guthrie's work--and then played a song. Check it out, but please: don't compare it...

Candidate Questions 12: A controversial bylaw to ban “cosmetic” pesticides in town failed to get through council twice in the last term. How did you vote or would you have voted?

Here, in our last installment of Candidate Questions, is one that pertains to the use of pesticides on Rossland's lawns. And here it is: "A controversial bylaw to ban “cosmetic” pesticides in town failed to get through council twice in the last term. How did you vote or would you have voted" CARY FISHER: I understand the fear...

Candidate Questions 11: What is your stance on the Washington-Columbia upgrades and downtown revitalization?

One of the biggest decisions on the immediate horizon--certainly in terms of sheer price tag--that the new council will have to deal with will be the Columbia-Washington upgrades and the proposed re-creation of our downtown--cost, noise, disruption, and all. With this in mind we asked the candidates the following question: "What...

Old appliances may cost more than customers realize

FortisBC has launched a rebate program for electricity customers who choose to upgrade their appliances to qualifying ENERGY STAR® rated model.  Rebates of up to $75 are available on the most energy efficient ENERGY STAR rated refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and clothes washers. “By upgrading to qualifying ENERGY STAR ...

COMMENT: Candidates with whom I'd like to share a pitcher of fine yet inexpensive ale...

We’ll do just that tomorrow evening, Thursday, 7 p.m., with "beers and ballots" at the Red Room. All the candidates have been invited to spend the evening discussing the finer points of local politics—and some of the brightest lights have confirmed—while Tim and Gabriella put on their $10 pitcher special for their selection...

Candidate Questions 10: What about those DCCs anyway?

Development Cost Charges (DCCs) have been a source of controversy for a few years now. Do low DCCs encourage development or merely subsidize real estate speculators while passing the burden along to feckless local taxpayers? Gulp. The question, then, is this: "Given the state of the economy, prospects for growth in Rossland,...

Candidate Questions 9: How can we make Rossland attractive to both young families and seniors?

One of the perenniel issues we face here in the Mountain Kingdom is population. Not over-population, but underpopulation. If we want to keep our schools open, our tax base viable, and our community programs and services viable, we need a certain minimum population--a numbr that always seems to be defined as 'a few more than...

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