

New year, new recreation opportunities!

Welcome to the first Recreation Department update for 2012!  We try to update the community about all things recreation, education and community – so if you have an event coming up that you’d like us to highlight in our weekly column, please contact our office at recreation@rossland.ca. There’s a supplementary Winter Brochure...

Council's committee appointments are announced

Mayor Greg Granstrom's choices for council's committee appointments were unanimously supported at Monday's regular meeting.The mayor will retain his position with the Heritage Commission and Public Safety. He will also continue to work with the LCI (Lower Columbia Initiative), where the mayor is a voting board member—all other...

Grant denied for Columbia-Washington project

Rossland's grant application for $8.5 million to upgrade underground infrastructure and to improve both traffic flow and the pedestrian experience on Columbia Ave. and Washington St. has been denied, Mayor Greg Granstrom reported to council on Monday evening."We found out Friday afternoon," Granstrom said. "Now we'll work...

Christmas Holiday Program Updates

Programs at RSS, MacLean Elementary or MacLean Annex If you currently enjoy a program or class in one of the school buildings – MacLean Elementary School, Rossland Secondary School or MacLean Annex, all classes and programs cancel over the Christmas holiday, which starts Monday, December 19 and runs until Tuesday, January 3,...

Time is short to give input into the 2012 budget and five-year-plan

 'Tis the season to wrangle over the municipal budget, so if you have an opinion about how the city should spend taxpayer money, we (and the city) want to hear about it now!The timeframe for your opinion to be heard is very short. On Monday evening, the committee-of-the-whole — absent new councillors Cary Fisher and Jody...

Christmas isn't Christmas anymore?

I'm suspecting I'm not the only Christian minister who is in receipt of emails; facebook pokes; youtube videos and (if I had an account like my Anglican friend across the street) twitter notes filled with umbrage about the downfall of Christmas.  Not as a way of life; not as a recognition of the Divine in the ordinary; not ...

Christmas programs, changes, and more!

As we move towards the Christmas break there are lots of program changes and additions to note! If you currently enjoy a program or class in one of the school buildings – MacLean Elementary School, Rossland Secondary School or MacLean Annex, all classes and programs cancel over the Christmas holiday, which starts Monday,...

MP wants bottled water banned

Alex Atamanenko, MP, rose in the House of Commons Wednesday to introduce a petition on behalf of the BC/Yukon Region Canadian Catholic Development and Peace organization. Signed by 1,200 people from the Dioceses of Nelson and Victoria, the petition calls on the government to ban the purchase of bottled water in federal...

When the optional becomes essential: Grants, innovation...and a funny lookin’ fireplace outside Ferraro’s?

Any way you slice it, Rossland’s downtown re-do will be costly. The latest figures from ISL put the project’s first phase at $4.45 million, less approximately $1.4 million from the transportation ministry. The second phase, covering Washington beyond 1st Avenue to Plewman, comes in at $3.8million. Add engineering costs and ...

A net gain in stalls and an end to the hated 'pedestrian' signage on Columbia? The downtown parking issue gets some clarification

ISL’s proposal for the downtown rebuild involves some rejigging of the city’s downtown parking stalls--a move that has generated some concerns and controversy. Columbia Ave. currently has 108 parking stalls from the west side of St Paul to the east side of Spokane. Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) guidelines, however,...

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