

Rossland Rec goes on Facebook...youth contest...and, of course, more!

The Recreation Department is launching its Facebook page (Rossland Recreation) and invites you to take a look at it!  We’re hoping this site will be another great resource for information about REC programs, last minute updates and cancellations, pictures and videos of local folk having fun recreating and staying healthy and...

Didgeridoo dude due: Shane Philip plays Miner's Hall this weekend

Multi-instrumentalist Shane Philip is known worldwide for his dynamic didgeridoo-infused music. Philip has been touring constantly for the past few years now. His rhythmic and intoxicating sounds are powerful enough to fill a room with dancing fans and soulful enough to quiet a packed house. Those songs have captured audiences...

Rossland's Nordic skiers continue to make their presence known on the national stage.

Rossland skiers continue to do extremely well at the nation level. Divide a town of 3000 by the 30 000 000 population of Canada then compare that ratio to the stats below, and you'll quickly see what we mean! The list below contains highlights, courtesy of Black Jack Ski Club, of how BC athletes are doing at the Eastern Canadian...

Rice uses home course knowledge to steal thunder from World’s best riders at Red Bull Supernatual

By Bruce Fuhr, The Nelson Daily First find a location and then build a course. For those keeping score at home the North Face at Balface Lodge near Nelson just happened to be the place of choice. Lobby a major sponsor to bank roll the event before inviting a few friends, who just happen to some of the best boarders in the...


Rossland CAO Victor Kumar recently responded to Andrew Bennett's emailed questions regarding the process leading to the grant application submitted by the city for a four season pool. The questions and Mr. Kumar’s answers have been re-arranged for readability below:Bennett: The over-riding issue is that a grant was made...

PERSPECTIVE: Mayor Granstrom's take on the swimming pool controversy

On Tuesday, Mayor Greg Granstrom met with Andrew Bennett to discuss the process that led to the swimming pool grant application. The following transcript has been abbreviated to the mayor's answers that directly relate to how the swimming pool grant application was prepared and passed.Granstrom:  By resolution of council we...

PERSPECTIVE: Aaron Cosbey on the Rossland Swimming Pool Society’s past and future

Aaron Cosbey is a member of the Rossland Swimming Pool Society (RSPS) and a director on the pool's board. Currently the RSPS is undergoing a transition in which the society will become a city institution. Andrew Bennett interviewed Cosbey by telephone to find out how this transition was decided upon, how it's taking place, ...

TIMELINE: The history of the swimming pool controversy

September 2011: The Rossland Swimming Pool Society (RSPS) approaches the city to see if the city will take over the society, as detailed by RSPS board member Aaron Cosbey in a recent interview.Oct. 7: A one-liner in the information package to council announces the "healthy communities" grant. It’s tucked in amongst BC Hydro...

Conservative cancellation of Eco ENERGY grant program won't affect Rossland's Energy Dieters

Rossland Energy Diet Participants remain eligible for up to $5000 of Federal ecoENERGY grants even though this program is now closed to new registrants. All participants were required to register online for a CID number prior to receiving their first audit. Once the registration form was completed on Natural Resources Canada’s...

Pickle ball and teen hip hop should take care of those mid-winter blues....

The Recreation Department is working on the Spring Brochure in the next two weeks. If you would like to run a program with the REC Department, please give us a call or drop by to discuss your ideas. The deadline for submitting a program description is Friday, Feb. 10. The Recreation Department has purchased PickleBall equipment...

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