

Debate to expand the Aquatic Centre subsidy program stalled until summer

Council voted to delay debate on a policy amendment to expand the Trail Aquatic and Leisure Centre (TALC) subsidy program until after a plebiscite is held this summer. The decision split council 4-3, with Moore, Coun. Jody Blomme, and Coun. Jill Spearn against. Coun. Cary Fisher was also against the delay at the beginning of...

Rossland Radio Co-op gets half their rent waived, but remain on the hook for roof repairs

Council voted 4-3 in favour of a one year deal with the Rossland Radio Co-op (RRC) to waive 50 per cent of the rent for their space in the city's Rotary Health building, 1870 Columbia, and to amortize the full bill the RRC was presented for roof repairs over 12 monthly payments.   Two weeks ago RRC’s Marty Cancilla asked...

Botched zoning on Black Diamond Drive needs a re-think

Council recently considered rezoning applications that exposed some of the flaws in the zoning bylaw and the process used to consider those applications.  One application sought to amend the zoning of a property on Black Diamond Drive from R-1 (Residential Single Detached) to R-1I (Detached Infill Residential).   The only...

Find something for your kids to do on Spring Break and explore the mysteries of...Zumba?

Early bird registration deadline for youth soccer is Wednesday, February 29!  If you have a youth in the house who would like to play soccer this Spring, don’t delay registering them with Kootenay South Soccer.  The closing date for registration is March 16, 2012.  Log on to www.kootenaysouthsoccer.com to register.   There ...

The Breakmen at the Miners' Hall...relive it early or see what you missed!

Vancouver's The Breakmen played the Miners' Hall last weekend and were very well received. The Telegraph's David Hartman had the opportunity to film the band playing an impromptu version "Rose of Sharon's Lament". Check it out....

Community groups receive full funding from council

With two exceptions, Monday evening's committee-of-the-whole recommended that council grant all the requests for funding they received from community groups for 2012. Some $448,400 will be given to 16 community groups and two municipal programs this year through in kind services, waived fees, supplies, utility expenses, and...

North Valley Mountain Film Festival 2012 announces diverse lineup

It takes a special kind of person to climb and ski two million vertical feet in 266 days. Revelstoke-based ski mountaineer Greg Hill drops by as a special guest presenter at the sixth annual North Valley Mountain Film Festival on Saturday, March 3 in New Denver. One of the world's most accomplished ski-touring endurance...

Back country film fest...and time to start thinking soccer???

The Recreation Department is now on Facebook!  Check out “Rossland Recreation” for program updates, pictures, videos, questions, answers, brochures, contests etc.  If you’re between 13-18 years, “Like” us on Facebook and your name will be entered into a contest to win a $50.00 Gift Card from “The Source”. Contest ends February...

The DCC Fiasco

CAO Victor Kumar wants to scrap the City’s Development Cost Charge (DCC) bylaw because it “. . . has served its purpose and is no longer required based on the availability of other taxation tools . . .” Nonsense! If council goes along with this cockamamy idea, taxpayers in the future will be stuck with paying for expansion ...

Get your survey monkey on and help save our schools!

Important decisions are being made in our school district regarding school configurations. The Neighbourhood of Learning Committee needs to know what Rosslanders want. It is critical that you make your views known so NOL knows what to fight for and what perspectives to present to the school district. All views and ideas matter...

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