

Is sleep over-rated? I don't think so...

Sleep can be elusive for some folks. I always ask about a person’s sleep patterns, because, if they are not sleeping well, it can cause all sorts of imbalances in the body.  It is extremely important that people get at least 7-8 hrs/night uninterrupted sleep so the body can recover completely and optimize wellness. One of the...

Council rezones to allow two duplexes in a new infill subdivision

Council unanimously supported a rezoning application for 2464A Third Ave to allow Kevin Fairweather of K2  Contracting to build duplexes (zone R2S from R1) on the property.The property lies just outside the core zone recently rezoned to R1-infill—which automatically allows duplex developments—but is also close to the...

Rossland offers a new location for the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame and Museum

As the Rossland Museum seeks to renew its momentum after the closure of the Black Bear mining adit, formerly the museum's main attraction, Mayor Greg Granstrom recently wrote to Chris Edgell of the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame (CSHF) in Ottawa to offer "a serious expression of interest by the City of Rossland to provide a new ...

Public input encouraged as Rossland's audit begins

Rossland's auditor, Amed Naqvi of the firm Berg, Naqvi, Lehmann (BNL), described the upcoming audit to council on Monday evening, and he also explained the important role of "concerned citizens" in the process. Each year, municipal records are subject to a third party audit to ensure that the business of the city was procedurally...

Former mayor leads delegation to council in support of Columbia redesign—parallel parking and all

In response to opposition to the Columbia Ave redesign with a wider sidewalk and parallel parking on the north side "feature block" between Queen and Washington, Bill Profili led a delegation to council on Monday evening to support the design. Profili said, "I'm here on behalf of a group of individuals who are very interested...

Down the garden path: CCCs benefit developers, punish infillers

Council and the community are being led down the proverbial garden path by CAO Victor Kumar about the Development Cost Charge (DCC) Bylaw.   Information provided to council by Mr. Kumar is misleading, inaccurate, incomplete, and frequently unsubstantiated.  The only realistic data being provided seems to be coming from Ken ...

Bike swap, native pollinators workshop, Zumba, soccer, art classes...and more. Spring is springing...

The annual Gerick Cycle Bike Swap is Saturday, April 28, 2011 in the parking lot at Gerick Cycle in Trail (930 Rossland Ave.).  If you have a bike you’d like to sell, drop it off at Gerick Cycle between 8:30-10:00am on April 28.  Bikes will be sold between 11:00am-2:00pm. Pssst…can you spare an hour?  Earth Hour is Saturday,...

Mediator fails to achieve regional cooperation on sewer service, recommends binding arbitration for Rossland, Trail, and Warfield

Following an attempt last year to achieve a mediated solution to the ongoing sewer dispute between Rossland, Trail, and Warfield, the chair of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), Larry Gray, wrote Minister Ida Chong on Feb. 8 to ask that  the issue be declared a "prescribed matter suitable for binding arbitration."...

Council scraps DCCs and plans for new connection charges

Council will soon debate a series of bylaws to revoke both the Development Cost Charge (DCC) and the regional Sewer Cost Recovery Charge (SCRC), and to replace these with a single Service Capacity Connection Charge (CCC) for water, sewer, and drainage. Council's decision to support CCCs over DCCs and SCRCs was unanimous. They...

Mayor attempts to remove parallel parking in tender documents for Columbia project design, but council postpones design changes for now

Council voted to release the tender documents for the Columbia Ave. project after an in camera discussion and a "special" meeting on Monday night, but when the public were admitted for the following committee-of-the-whole meeting, Mayor Greg Granstrom moved to modify the tendered design "to have angle parking be the design ...

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