

Finding homes for the hard-to-house

The Greater Trail Skills Centre and Career Development Services (CDS) are part way through a 48 week program of one-time-only funding from the federal government to lay the foundation for better support for the region's homeless and hard-to-house. To sustain the project beyond March 31, 2013, when the current funding expires,...

ANALYSIS: A review of the contracts for Rossland's senior management

As Rossland transitioned to CAO/CFO Cecile Arnott's new tenure this month, we have fielded several questions about the employment contracts of the city's senior management and how these compare to other managers’ in the province. We do not try to answer subjective questions such as whether or not Rossland is getting good value...

Be a scout, guide, a gymnast, a hockey star, a...recycler?

The 2nd Rossland Scouting group is trying to see if there are more youth out there, interested in joining the Scout group.  It is open to boys and girls ages 11-14 years of age.  Please check out the Scouts Canada website at www.scouts.ca.  The organizers are looking for youth interested in learning new skills and having fun...

Storm causes power outage in Christina Lake, parts of West Kootenays

UPDATE: Most customers back online after Fortis works to restore power Most of the estimated thousands of FortisBC customers have their electrical services restored after fallen trees downed lines earlier this morning, said Tracy Tang, FortisBC spokesperson. The early morning thunder storm coupled with high winds brought trees...

New heritage signage in town

Two new interpretative spots have recently been created in Rossland to mark sites significant to Rossland’s early years when it was Canada’s largest gold mining center.   The first one is located beside the Wagon Road on a viewpoint above the Redstone subdivision.  The title of the signage  reads, “The Historic Trail Creek ...

LEGENDS AND TALES OF THE MOUNTAIN KINGDOM: Patrick Burns, cattle king of the Kootenays

With the influx of new people setting up homes and businesses in the burgeoning city of Rossland during the second half of the 1890s, people had to get fed somehow. They couldn’t just rely on local game and huckleberries, after all. Luckily, as soon as the boom started, commerce came quickly to the Golden City, and with it ...

COMMENT: Happy young farmers in Happy Valley will lease, not buy

Council was divided on whether or not to pursue Dr. Brenda Trenholme's request for an OCP amendment to allow her to subdivide (reported here), so I would like to address Dr. Trenholme's potentially most convincing argument, that smaller lots are more likely to attract young families interested in agriculture. As a member of...

Vote against OCP amendment process halts landowner's plans to subdivide in Happy Valley

[CORRECTION: This article has been modified since publication. We originally wrote that council had voted 3-3 in favour of the motion, but in fact council voted 4-2, with Mayor Granstrom in favour. Had the motion been tied 3-3, the motion would have failed. Our apologies for the error.] Council voted 4-2 in favour of city...

Musical chairs at council in hopes for new harmony...and better 'optics'

Empty chairs on either side of Mayor Greg Granstrom at Monday's council meeting left him noticeably isolated. Previously, the Corporate Officer (CO) would sit on his left and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) on his right, but now the CO and CAO will sit in the staff corner of the chamber, opposite the media's corner and...

Red Mountain Racers dust off plans to blow snow on the shoulder season

The Red Mountain Racers (RMR) want a jump start on the ski season and, by October of next year, they hope snow guns will plaster Red for pre- and post-season training, world class ski competitions, and a guaranteed low-altitude base for the rush of skiers on Christmas vacation. Head coach Phil Patterson and RMR president Don...

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