

COMMENT: Arena projects revisited

A review of documents related to projects undertaken in the arena in 2010 and 2011 raises many serious questions and suggests that Mayor Granstrom and Council have not provided adequate oversight for the actions of staff. In December 2009, the City issued a proposal call for the upgrade of the arena roof.  Council did not...

LETTER: What about project costs?

Dear editor, In your recent story,“Living High in Mayberry……..” you report that Councillor Fisher is asking taxpayers the question “do you know what you are paying for” Andrew Bennett is doing great work in trying to reduce the budget to simple one-liners that people can easily understand; however isn’t this something the...

Local artist spotlights new work at Grind Christmas show

Local artist Charlene Barnes (whose work is featured on some the new banners in Rossland’s brand new downtown) is holding a Christmas show at the Grind from November 1 until December 27. “This is the third time I’ve showed at the Grind and I’ve had good luck there in the past. I enjoy the ambiance there as a patron. It’s a ...

Flying High: Renovations completed at the Eagles

Renovations to the Fraternal Order of Eagles club began in early October and are now complete.  Janet Capozzolo, who has been a member for just over a year,  and is currently the bar manager, along with FOE  executives and trustees, put their heads together and came up with the idea to renovate to increase business and appeal...

COMMENT: Digital democracy and the spark of a revolution in Rossland

How can the public give their input into the budget, as Coun. Fisher suggested, while avoiding the potential for "chaos" that Coun. Spearn feared? I have a suggestion for council: swing a deal with ThoughtStream for a software license for the city, and hire one of their facilitators.   Right now, the idea of "engaging" the ...

Teck Mountain Film Fest takes off this Monday

The waiting is over – events for the Teck Rossland Mountain Film Festival begin on Monday, November 12th.  Visit our website for the full program at www.rosslandmountainfilmfestival.com. A few of our feature films and some film overview highlights to look forward to: Monday, November 12th at the Miners’ Hall West Kootenay...

West Kootenay Friends of Refugees support local settlement of two Burmese refugee families with film night

As part of the Rossland Mountain Film Festival and supported by the Rossland Council for Arts and Culture, West Kootenay Friends of Refugees (WKoR) presents the film "God Grew Tired of Us" (89 min).  The film is a recount of the experiences of 3 boys who fled war in Sudan and re-settled in the United States.  WKFoR wished to...

RLOP dinner theatre this weekend...and more!

The Public Skating schedule has changed slightly with Remembrance Day falling on Sunday.  The Arena is closed on Statutory Holidays and the Public Skating sessions will be cancelled.    This week, Public Skating will be on Wednesday from 6:30-7:45pm and Fridays from 5:00-6:30pm.  Rental skates are available for $2.00 if you...

ANALYSIS: Do you know what you're paying for? PART THREE—Running the city

This is the final article in a series to address Coun. Cary Fisher’s surprise at a lack of awareness about the budget among Rossland residents. Part One examined the General Fund in broad strokes. The actual “general” revenue of the city in 2011 was $6.4 million, to which taxation contributed 57 per cent, residential taxes ...

ANALYSIS: Do you know what you're paying for? PART TWO—Community organizations and recreation

In response to Coun. Cary Fisher’s "shock" at a lack of budgetary awareness among city residents, here we tackle the portion of the budget that deals specifically with city funding for community organizations and facilities, parks, and recreation. In Part One we examined the broad strokes of Rossland's major revenue streams,...

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