

UPDATED: Whitewater cruises into second round on Halloween against Revelstoke

Was there any doubt? It appears Whitewater Ski Hill, going solo this time, has dispatched its first victim in the Powder Magazine 2014 Ski Town Throwdown contest. With the final tally completed, Nelson's Whitewater Ski Hill outlasted Big White near Kelowna 765-278. Whitewater now advances to the second round of the 64-hill ...

Healthy elderberries are ripe and ready for harvesting

Now that it’s fall with definitely colder nights this year with a few frosts already, it’s time to start thinking about making your elderberry tincture. It’s perfect timing, since the plant has had colder weather to send all those nutrients into the berries and the first round of flu has happened with the kids going back to...

Newly-expanded RED bracing for a huge season

RED Mountain Resort is gearing up for what looks to be an unprecedented year.  The resort has been undergoing a huge expansion, hoping to draw destination visitors to the area and so far, the strategy seems to be working.  The installation of the Grey Lift has turned the ski and snowboard world’s gaze towards Red and Rossland--and...

COMMENT: The waiting game

The leaves, they are a changin.  The changing of the leaves has always signified a transition period. It is the end of the warm summer days, where Rosslanders can be found immersed in the plethora of outdoor activities available to us.  It is the end of days spent swimming and swinging off the rope swing at Nancy Greene Lake....

Fear your feast...some good advice from Health Canada

Cooked turkey is often served at holiday celebrations in Canada — especially Thanksgiving. Health Canada would like to remind all Canadians of some steps they can take to help ensure their turkey feast is a safe one. What you should do Clean, separate, cook and chill! Follow these four food safety steps when preparing your ...

Calling all Nordic volunteers and unemployed aerobics instructors!

Blackjack is gearing up for another great winter and there’s lots of exciting events coming up!  The Community Coaching (ICC) workshop will be held on October 25 and 26 and the Official’s Level 1 Course will be held October 26 at the Blackjack Ski Club in Rossland.  Program registration and membership will take place at their...

Public Open House Invites Comments for Rossland Museum’s New Plans: Renowned Museum Consultant Sees Exciting Possibilities

What will Rossland’s Museum look like in the next few years? How can the Museum and its historic site be refreshed and revitalized? What displays, stories and themes will attract an expanded clientele? What will its role be in the community? Between 4 pm and 7 pm on Tuesday, October 15th the public is invited to the Museum ...

UPDATED: IBEW Local 213 soundly rejects recommendations from mediator Vince Ready; FortisBC surprised by vote

It appears the sides in the FortisBC lockout of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 213 are getting farther apart instead of closer together. In a media release, IBEW Local 213 Bargaining agent Rod Russell said recommendations from mediator Vince Ready have been soundly rejected by the union membership. “The...

LETTER: Letter from Nyanga

A decade or so ago Rossland engaged in a series of municipal exchanges with city officials from the city of Nyanga in Zimbabwe. The following letter, by Zimbabwe's Cathy Buckle, gives an update on life in that part of the world and may be of interest to anyone who remembers the exchanges, or to anyone with an interest in...

ANALYSIS: Bank of Montreal building provides a template for community growth

The old Bank of Montreal building plays a lot of roles in this town.  The main floor houses the Art Gallery, which doubles as a community event venue; downstairs acts as an art studio; upstairs houses the Chamber of Commerce, the business centre hub, and other offices. Then there are the local businesses like the Red Pair...

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