

TALES AND LEGENDS OF THE MOUNTAIN KINGDOM: A.S. Kerry, Lumber King, Comes to town(?)

If you can imagine it, our present townsite used to be covered with trees. A whole lot of logging and brush clearing had to go on in order to create space for buildings, roads, and people. And as you can imagine, there was no shortage of logable land in the surrounding areas outside the townsite, either. Raw building materials...

Have your say! Vote for your favourite Rossland school name now

The Rossland Secondary School Renaming Committee has now shortlisted the name ideas submitted and  we are looking for your input on the shortlist. If you did not participate in the first step, you may still take part in this prioritization.  We request that you only complete this survey once per household. You may get a link...

Vitamin K- An Essential Nutrient for your Bones & Heart

Vitamin K was discovered in the early 1900’s by Dr. Dam, a Danish scientist and the Japanese have done extensive research since then and found that Japanese women eating Natto had increased bone density.  I know you are asking, what the heck is Natto and what connection does that have to Vitamin K? Natto is a fermented food...

Fish virus found in Kootenay Lake Kokanee calls for action

A fatal fish virus has been detected in the Kootenay Lake Kokanee raised in the Meadow Creek and Redfish spawning channels. Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNv) was found in 80 percent of spawning Kokanee in a routine check of the fish coming from the Meadow Creek spawning channel last fall. The virus has also been...

Red Mountain Racers produce art and skiing as Winter Carnival kicks off!

A remarkable start to the racing season for the U12,14, and U16 Red Mountain Racers in early January. Friday was the only day of Giant Slalom and the first race for U12 Girls saw Sage Stefani take 2nd, Hanna Schulze 3rd, with Emilia Hofmann taking gold in the second race.  In U12 Boys, Kristoff Panke topped the podium with ...

Lots for youth this week...Junior Dragon's Den, logo contest, etc

Rossland Winter Carnival – 2014 Check out the activities around town this weekend!  The schedule of events is available in hard copy around town and also on the website, at www.rosslandwintercarnival.com. Available ice at the Rossland Arena Lots of ice available this weekend if you’d like to put together a family reunion, a...

25th Anniversary Wine Tasting Celebration to Include "Polyester Disco Nights" Dance

Rossland Rotary Club is celebrating its 25th annual Wine Tasting Festival event with a "Polyester Disco Nights" dance from 10pm to 1am at the Rossland Miner's Hall, following the Wine Festival at the Prestige Mountain Resort from 7pm to 10pm. Tickets are limited and going fast with the discounted ticket price expiring soon ...

Get ready to rock for the Skatepark at the Miners' Union Party Hall....

As part of this year’s Winter Carnival festivities, the Rossland Skatepark Association in association with RossVegas, will be hosting the official after party for ‘The Wild In The Streets’ jib jam competition taking place on Saturday January 25th. When the jib jam wraps up, take the short walk down Columbia to the Rossland ...

Undeclared firearms seized at Paterson crossing lead to over $5,000 in fines

On January 9, 2014, American resident Calvin Jarvis pled guilty, in Rossland Provincial Court, to possession of illegally imported goods, an offence under section 155 of the Customs Act, and possession of firearms, contrary to section 91(1) of the Criminal Code. Jarvis was sentenced and received a $5,000 fine. The case stems...

Working group for new Rec Site formed

Following well-attended public workshops on October 29 and December 3, 2013, a Management Plan for the proposed Ministry of Forests’ Recreation site in the Rossland Range is becoming a reality. At the December 3 workshop, which was attended by some 75 people, the participants agreed that creating the Recreation Site is...

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