

Calling All Nightclub Dramatic Types!

If you like to be the center of attention and enjoy electronic dance music then Electro-Social Club (ESC) invites you to apply as an actor for an interactive, visual, EDM experience that will blow your mind. Electro Social Club (ESC) is what you get when an electronic music producer and a musical theatre nerd collaborate....

Council (briefly) considers increasing 'staff appreciation' budget by 500% while discussing ways to save money

The Tax situation in Rossland  (if you already know it all, you can skip this part): Rossland City Council has been struggling to keep our city taxes low, to partially make up for increasing levels of School and Regional District taxation that Rossland residents must also pay as part of our property taxes.  Rossland does not...

The Rossland Museum wants your stories! Old Timer Interviews, Heritage Week , Antique Appraisals and Expanded Hours

The Rossland Historical Museum is actively working to record your stories with our “Old Timer Interviews” project.  Museum directors Roly Worsfold and Lydia Jakovac are busy tracking down senior Rossland community members to interview. If you know of someone they should talk to, or if you are someone they should interview, ...

The Once are headed to the Miners' Hall

Named for a unique Newfoundland phrase that means ‘imminently’, now is indeed the time for The Once. As a trio, the band has kept it uncomplicated, depending on the power of their voices and acoustic instruments. Lead singer Geraldine Hollett has an instrument of rare power; she is a singer who can still a noisy room, so...

A lexicon of Mountain Kingdom nicknames...from Booty to Woodtick

In 2012, Allebo Lloyd, a childhood friend from Rossland died. I knew his given name, but he was more commonly known by his nickname. I sent a note of condolence to his wife and in it, admitted that I was not sure how to spell his nickname. This situation made me realize that I was equally uninformed on the source and nicknames...

City of Rossland files suit against Jason Ward

On February 3, 2014, the City of Rossland filed a Notice of Civil Claim in British Columbia Supreme Court against Jason George Ward. Mr. Ward is the City’s former chief building inspector. In the fall of 2011, the City discovered that while Mr. Ward was employed by the City as chief building inspector he was also involved...

Kootenay kids will power the future with electric goo, four-legged charging stations and energized underwear

Imagine! You’ve just woken up in the morning to pre-programmed nature sounds and look out into the vast mountainous view on your surround screen walls. Before pulling on your underwear, you unplug your micro communications device from your waistband, and check on the electric goo levels of your in-home power storage system....

Snowmaking on Red, Rusty The Horse, RDKB biz...and more!

First, my spiel:  WHY read this stuff?  Because it's about how Rossland is shaped by the people we elect to govern our lovely, compact Mountain Kingdom.  How do YOU want Rossland to evolve?  What kind of community do you want to live in?  What worries you most: well-groomed lawns, or local food security?  Are you keen on K-12...

Second candidate announces interest to fill shoes of NDP's Alex Atamanenko

The next Federal Election is still months away, but already the parties are busy sourcing out candidates to fill ridings. In the new South Okanagan – West Kootenay federal riding that covers much of the rural area outside Nelson — a second candidate has stepped forward to seek the nomination for the NDP. Richard “Dick” Cannings...

ANALYSIS of the ANALYSIS: A different view

The recent “analysis” of the new Liquid Waste Management agreement by Mr. Maturo does not mention that the percentage increases agreed to by Rossland and Warfield are an interim measure for 2014 and 2015. These payments will be reduced or increased retroactively, as the case maybe, on the basis of measured flows obtained...

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