

Nelson Hydro, Columbia Wireless give public an up close and in person look at a local Osprey family

Nelson Hydro and Columbia Wireless are giving the public unlimited access to life of a local osprey family. A livestreaming webcam has been set up on top of a pole a few feet off Highway 3A west of Nelson with a view of the nest. The nest, home to a mom and dad osprey, is on top of a pole errected by Nelson Hydro in 2013 at...

COMMENT: The AGLG report. Now what?

The sentence in the 60-page AGLG report on the City of Rossland to which citizens should pay particular attention to is the second sentence in section 3.1.18 on page 8: “Council did not balance its almost full delegation of procurement decision-making to the chief administrative officer with a requirement for meaningful,...

Bike lessons! Bike parks! Bike shuttles!...and golf

Summer Brochure! The Recreation Department is putting together the Summer Brochure.  If you are interested in running a program or course, or would like more information, please contact our Department to discuss.  If you’re a Community Group and you’d like to advertise a special event happening this summer, please let us...

BCAA’s Worst Roads’ List campaign back to find the worst of 2014

Last year, the Highway 6 north of Slocan to Vernon found a spot on the top ten list of BCAA’s Worst Roads’ List. Many who drive the highway from the Slocan Junction may disagree with the 2013 final poll results, saying the entire road needs to be included. And what about Highway 31 from Balfour to Kaslo and onto Meadow Creek...

Garden Festival on May 15th; Rossland Skatepark Association raising funds; a new hotel at the base of Red is in the works

Council had planned to have its in camera  session at 5:00 pm and then begin its public session at 7:00, but there was no quorum at 5:00, so the in camera session was postponed until after the public portion of the meeting -- for which there was quorum, but only just.  Mayor Greg Granstrom and councillors Kathy Moore, Cary ...

Randy the Redneck: "Tellin It Like It Iz"

Come into a world of simple truths, good times, and poor impulse control.  A world where “party” is spelled with a “d”, where the smoke is always thick and the riffs are always heavy.  Come into the world of Randy. As an “altered ego” of Nelson-based writer/performer Lucas Myers, Randy has been seen offering advice in various...

Rossglen Bike Park Revitalization Underway

Rossland’s Rossglen Bike Park is getting a facelift to reflect the changing desires of local mountain bike users. Rossglen has been a fixture for the biking community for the past eight years but is in need of upgrades and expansion, and a group of volunteers are working with the City of Rossland to see that happen this summer....

Rossland Youth Week--jump into it!

From the Winter Carnival to Golden City Days, Rossland has always had a healthy dose of festivals, traditions, and celebrations of the arts. Next month, a newcomer will join the ranks, but this one won’t be quite like the rest. During the first week of may, Rossland will join Youth Week, a province-wide celebration of society’s...

PEOPLE MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND: Behind the scenes at the thrift store!

The Rossland Health Care Auxiliary Society Thrift Store was a hum of activity when I arrived to talk to the volunteers early last week. Mondays are sorting days and sixteen women moved around me bantering back and forth, and moving piles of shoes, toys and clothes from one place to another their backroom area. Spring is a...

FREE wetlands education program comes to Rossland--sign up today!

The Wetlands Institute will be giving a 2.5 day workshop in Rossland, May 23 - 25. The workshop is free but registration is required. This 2.5 day hands-on fieldwork course provides participants with technical skills to steward their own wetland. The following is a press release from the BC Wildlife Federation: The BCWF...

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