

5 IDEAS IN 5 DAYS, MONDAY: How the City can support K-12 education in Rossland and increase revenue

Here’s a personal tip: One way to look good, is to associate yourself with people that are doing great things. Another way of saying it is that it’s fun to be part of a winning team. When you see someone, or some people pursuing a noble initiative, that are forging great strides forward and makingthings happen in general, get...

Here are Rossland candidates’ responses to the West Kootenay Environmental Survey

The Rossland municipal Environmental Survey results are in. This gives Rossland voters a new opportunity to check out where Rossland municipal candidates stand on their council's potential to forge even further ahead with climate change challenges and life-and-community-sustaining measures. The survey was created by a coalition...

The Week in REC!

Joe Hill Coffee House - another great show on Sunday, November 16! As winter creeps towards us, the Joe Hill Coffee House tradition carries on, highlighting these fine performers: Gabe Mann and Jim Sinclair – Bluegrassin’ Golden City Fiddlers – Always good to get your toes tapping Kiana T – Her Joe Hill debut, sweet voice and...

The Alchemist goes down in round two of Rossland Reads

Now that The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (defended by Aerin Guy) has been voted off Rossland Reads, it comes down a battle between two non-fiction titles. To memoir or not to memoir. That is the question that will decide which book all Rosslanders should read in 2014. Remaining in contention is Riding the Bus with My Sister by...

LETTER: Elections are coming...it’s about more than being nice.

Dear fellow Rosslanders, I love Rossland and I choose to raise my young family here because it is an amazing place to live. As someone who works in countries where elections are either rigged or non-existent, I feel fortunate that I can freely cast a vote this week. I hope all residents get informed and exercise their right...

The most sustainable, smart, liveable and fun city: Andrew Zwicker

Anyone slightly interested in the upcoming election cannot have been able to miss council candidate Andrew Zwicker. Talking loud and fast as soon as he gets enthused, which is almost always, and with a young face, he clearly stands out. “I’m an ideas person” says Zwicker who is trying to find creative solutions for every...

6000 Rosslanders in an affordable city: Jill Spearn makes her case for the mayorship

SG: Just to start with basics, tell us what you think the role of Council is in the City. JS: I think the role of Council is to represent the citizens of Rossland -- that's obvious, that's why we're elected. And I also think it is the role of Council to do the regular business of the City, for sure, be it formulating bylaws,...

LETTER: Slates versus selections?

Dear Rosslanders, Thanks to all who attended the Rossland All Candidates Forum. It was a terrific event; standing room only! Many thanks to the Rotary Club for doing a superb job of organizing and hosting. I hope everyone got a good sense of the candidates and lots of information. Please contact me if you have any other...

Here's the lowdown on the first Rossland Reads. The second is tomorrow...November 5!

Out of Africa is out of Rossland Reads October 30, 2014  Last week, over twenty-five people gathered at the Rossland Art Gallery to hear four debaters duke it out over the book all Rosslanders should read in 2014. After a one year hiatus, local author Jennifer Ellis returned as moderator with some tough questions for the...

A promise to avoid 'primate behaviour' and to change the 'tone at the top'. Kathy Moore makes her case for mayorhood.

NOTE: These interviews are only very slightly edited for clarity. They consist of the actual words spoken by the candidates, who were not given any opportunity to prepare answers in advance. My intention is to give readers an idea of how well the mayoral candidates are able to think on their feet and to express themselves...

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