

NEW Notice to Readers: Website Works Again!

Dear Readers, I am grateful to our webmaster for  restoring the functionality of the website.  Readers can now post letters and events once again.  So let us know what you think -- let the Rossland Telegraph regain its  "community forum" role! The problem was caused by an overload of spam, which caused the spam filter to...

Neonics: Bad For Bees, Bad For Us

Science Matters Vol. 17, No. 6 10 Feb 2015 Bees matter, so restricting neonics is the right thing to do By David Suzuki No matter how you feel about Ontario’s proposal to restrict use of neonicotinoid insecticides on corn and soybean crops, we can all agree: bees matter. But as important as bees are, there’s more at stake. ...

Marten Kruysse Honoured

Rossland City  Council Meeting, February 10, 2015. All Council members were present, and before the meeting began, Mayor Kathy Moore announced a special honour for one of Rossland's Council members:  Marten Kruysse has been chosen for an " Award of Excellence" --  special recognition by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities...

Interior Health proceeds with next stage of privatizing laundry services

The writing appears to be on the wall for 17 full-time equivalent employees at Kootenay Lake Hospital laundry services as Interior Health enters the next stage of a process that will determine the future of its laundry services. IH has started the process to seek Request for Solutions (RFS) from pre-qualified service providers...

"Co-operative Innovation Project" -- Community Meeting

The University of Saskatchewan’s Centre for the Study of Co-operatives is holding a community meeting for residents of Rossland and Warfield  on Tuesday, February 17th at 5:30 PM at the Warfield Community Hall to discuss our community  interests and needs, and possible solutions for addressing those needs. Pre-register before...

Nelson to join #ShutDownCanada demonstration Friday at High Noon

Vancouver is planning to join the cause. So are Calgary, Edmonton, Fredericton and Kamloops. Not lost in the #ShutDownCanada demonstration this week is the Heritage City where people are planning to march outside city halls, shut down highways, occupy high traffic areas. “We're doing this local action because Nelson is part...

A Skate Park In 2016? With a Little More Help From Our Friends!

Rossland Skatepark Hopes to Break Ground in 2016 (And a big thanks to all who helped the RSA raise over $60,000 in December!) The Rossland Skatepark Association is on a roll, and hopes to raise the rest of the money needed to get the skate park built next year.  After the successful $30,000 in 30 days fundraiser in December...

Site C: Do We Care?

Site C: More hydro power, more fracking, less farmland.  What do we really need? Rossland Council recently passed a resolution to support the Peace River Region community of Hudson's  Hope in its opposition to the Site C dam.  Recently, I have heard rumblings of discontent about that decision, from one Council member and a ...

Crews continue to work on mudslide on Highway 6 north of Crescent Valley

Highway crews continue to work on removing a mudslide Sunday that has partially closed the road three kilometers north of Playmor Junction. According to flagger at the scene, the slide happened in the early hours of Saturday morning on Highway 6 a few kilometers north of Crescent Valley. No houses are in the slide area. The...

The Supreme Court has Ruled:

(There are many people in the world named "Carter", but Les Carter of Rossland -- your editor's husband -- is a member of the Carter family in this lawsuit.  Kay Carter, who had to travel to Switzerland for the "death with dignity" that she wanted, was his dearly beloved and well-respected aunt. ...

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