Arts and culture grants now available - CKCA and the Trust announce 2021-22 programs
Artists in all disciplines—as well as arts and culture organizations—are invited to apply for funding through the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA), which delivers the Arts and Culture Program on behalf of Columbia Basin Trust. The Trust has a longstanding partnership with CKCA for the delivery of arts and culture ...
Climate: Proforestation vs. more old-growth logging
Researchers say "proforestation" policies are the fastest and most effective way to draw excess CO2 out of the atmosphere. By Kate S. Petersen for Environmental Health News HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, Mass.—Bob Leverett walked away from the trunk, looking up through the canopy, trying to get eyes on the crown. He crushed...
COUNCIL MATTERS: January 18, 2021
Council discusses messaging and a letter to government regarding pandemic measures and the meaning of “local;” plus a whack of regular business. 1. Public Hearing, 6:00 pm Present: Mayor Kathy Moore and Councillors Andy Morel, Janice Nightingale, Terry Miller, Chris Bowman, Stewart Spooner, and Dirk Lewis Staff: CAO...
Opinion: Worried about earth’s future? The outlook is worse than even scientists can grasp
By Corey A. Bradshaw, Daniel T. Blumstein, and Paul Ehrlich, for The Conversation Anyone with even a passing interest in the global environment knows all is not well. But just how bad is the situation? Our new paper shows the outlook for life on Earth is more dire than is generally understood. The research published...
RCMP launch criminal probe into assault related to man’s refusal to wear a non-medical mask at Red Mountain
Trail and Greater District RCMP has launched a criminal investigation after a disturbance escalated to an alleged assault, on Jan.14, 2021 at Red Mountain Ski Resort in Rossland, according to RCMP detachment commander Sgt. Mike Wicentowich. "Police were told by staff at the resort that an adult man, who declined to wear a...
Rossland Refactory project: an update
Creating Products from Waste –Community Based Recycling The Rossland Refactory is a project of the Kootenay Outdoor and Environmental Learning Society whose mission is “to provide for a more environmentally sustainable future for residents of Rossland and the surrounding area by influencing the habits, policies ...
Metal Tech Alley Takes Global Stage as Circular Economy Leader in Federal Report
When the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily halted human activities around the world, the positive effects on the environment were visibly apparent. Now, nearly a year later, a waste crisis involving disposable items such as plastic bags, take-out containers, and personal protective equipment like masks and gloves has surfaced. The Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation (LCIC), located in […]
Book recommendations from a library board member
“Books of My Life”-- Q and A with Abigail Steel, Rossland Public Library Board Member: My favourite childhood book and favourite book to read aloud -- because I spent part of my early childhood in England, my much loved, favourite books are those by A. A. Milne, including The House at Pooh Corner. The “hundred acre wood”...
Column: U.S. crisis shows need to speak truth to power
As was demonstrated in the U.S. last week, many who are motivated by fear and ignorance are feeling emboldened — and desperate. It’s not just in the United States. Irrational, authoritarian, anti-science rhetoric and action has been heating up from Brazil to India to Hungary, and is fully entrenched in places like Russia and China. […]
Safety gets fashionable with face masks by local tattoo artists
The Trail & District Arts Council and VISAC Gallery have partnered to create stylish face masks that feature designs by some of your favourite West Kootenay tattoo artists, including Rossland artist Alex Moon and 16-year-old student Sasha Leithead. Leithead won the youth mask design contest. “My design features...