

Illegal Airbnb Rentals, Bylaw Enforcement (Sometimes), and Some Prayers at City Hall, for Council

Rossland City Council -- 3  Meetings on May 30, 2016: 1.        The CoW:  Council  met as a Committee-of-the-Whole  at 2:00 pm at the Seniors' Hall, to refine the DRAFT materials created by Terry Miller for a public process gathering residents'  thoughts, priorities and ideas about how Council should allocate the tax dollars...

Column: From the Hill -- Bill C-14 and Access to Medically Assisted Dying

By Member Of Pariliament for South Okanagan- West Kootenay, Richard Cannings:  Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make related amendments to other Acts (medical assistance in dying) In March I wrote in this column about the ongoing debates in Parliament around medical aid in dying, brought on by the Supreme...

The Strange Case of DFO Abdicating Its Legal Responsibilities

Many of us eat  salmon and other fish here in Rossland too, far from the sea -- whether it's fresh fish bought at Ferraro Foods, or canned.  For that reason and many others, we should be concerned about the health of BC's fish populations.  Strangely, the federal government's Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), charged...

Poverty groups continues to pressure government over BC Bus Pass changes

The Nelson Committee on Homelessness (NCOH), along with over 150 organizations from around the province have signed on an open letter released by the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition calling for changes to the Provincial bus pass rates and transportation program for people living in poverty. The Province plans on increasing the disability benefits by $77 […]

Mental health system could do more to ensure people can access specialized services

Auditor General of British Columbia Carol Bellringer issued her latest audit May 17: Access to Adult Tertiary Mental Health and Substance Use Services. Bellringer's team looked at how B.C.'s health system manages access to the highest level of mental health and substance use services. They found pockets of good practice, but...

SD 20 approves fees for riding school bus

Not even SD 20 trustees were happy about voting in favour of user-fees for school busing, according to Trail trustee Toni Driutti, after the board approved the fees at their regular meeting Monday evening. Driutti pointed to decreasing ministry funding and wage increases the ministry negotiated but isn't funding, as the reason...

DeGroot shooting now oldest open IIO investigation

An officer-involved fatal shooting dating back to Oct. 13, 2014, has now become the oldest open investigation being handled by the Independent Investigations Office of BC (IIO). (For coverage of the shooting, click here). The sixth-oldest open IIO investigation is also local, after a fatal shooting on Kinnaird Bridge in...

BC Government Makes Mining Industry Happy

The Association for Mineral Exploration (AME) welcomes today’s announcement by the provincial government of $5 million in funding toward Geoscience BC. This funding will support Geoscience BC’s mandate to attract mineral and oil & gas investment to British Columbia through generating, interpreting and publicly distributing...

OPINION: Electoral Reform Committee makes a mockery of Law Commission Recommendations

How We Vote Reforming the system by which we elect members to the House of Commons was an issue for at least one political party in the last federal election, but it is not a new topic. Arguably the most extensive study undertaken on the subject was the 2004 Law Commission Canada report: Voting Counts: Electoral Reform for ...

Retaining wall replacement on Columbia, flood damage claim, sewerage differences, and more

Report on Rossland City Council's Regular Meeting, May 16, 2016 Council members present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, Councillors Lloyd McLellan, John Greene, Andrew Zwicker, and Andy Morel.    Absent:  Marten Kruysse and Aaron Cosbey Public Input Period:  Christine Andison of Red  Mountain Racers (RMR)  handed out a summation of the...

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