COLUMN: Seasonal Thoughts From Our Member of Parliament
The House of Commons has risen for the Christmas break and I’m certainly happy to be home for the holidays. This season will be especially eventful for my family as we are traveling to New Zealand for my son’s wedding—but we’ll also be taking part in the usual Christmas traditions that every family has. My wife’s family—part...
Library and Museum grants upped; TRP gets some; Taxes; Deanne Steven leaving Tourism Rossland
Rossland City Council, November 12, 2016: Public Hearing and Regular Council Meeting. Present: Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Lloyd McLellan, Andrew Zwicker, John Greene, Andy Morel, and Aaron Cosbey. Absent: Marten Kruysse PUBLIC HEARING: A slight clash of views over housing The Public Hearing was scheduled to ...
Conservative MP tables Heritage-friendly private bill
On December 6, Peter van Loan, Conservative critic for Canadian Heritage and National Historic Sites, introduced a Private Member’s Bill for the rehabilitation of historic buildings in Canada. Designed to support those who invest in our cultural heritage, this Bill will have the potential to encourage rehabilitation of...
By Emma Gilchrist Originally published by Desmog Canada . If you feel exhausted by Canada’s fevered debates about oil pipelines, liquefied natural gas terminals, renewable energy projects and mines, there just might be relief in sight. Right now, the federal government is reviewing its environmental assessment...
This time, Local Governments talk to Feds on future of Columbia River Treaty
Local government representatives Mayor Deb Kozak and Mayor Karen Hamling met with Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, federal officials and regional MPs in late November to emphasize the importance of working with local governments in the Columbia Basin before reaching decisions...
COUNCIL MATTERS: Special Meeting -- Community Grants and an IT Decision
Special Council Meeting, December 5, 2016 Council met to discuss and make funding decisions for Community Grants, and to make a decision on the City's Information Technology (IT) needs. Present: Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Aaron Cosbey, John Greene, Andrew Zwicker, Andy Morel, and Lloyd McLellan; Absent-- Marten...
Canada's Long History of Waffling on Electoral Reform
Our government established a special committee to consider the subject of proportional representation, and the committee noted that “it must be apparent to all that the present system of election in single-member constituencies meets fully the purpose intended only when not more than two candidates are nominated.” The committee...
A Ginger-bread Community, a Noisy Neighbour, Planning for the Mid-Town Lands, Dumping Telus
Rossland City Council, Regular Meeting on November 28, 2016 Present: Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Lloyd McLellan, Andrew Zwicker, Andy Morel, John Greene, and Aaron Cosbey. Absent: Marten Kruysse. Public Input Period: Special guests from Rossland Summit School (RSS), two children in the elementary grades, explained...
Janice Nightingale got curious after Rossland's budget presentation last spring. "Things looked grim!" she says, and she could see that Council was struggling to make the best decisions. The grimness had a lot to do with Rossland's ancient infrastructure and the urgent need to replace much of it at great expense, not to ...
EDITORIAL: Fear-Mongering Invades Rossland
A reader has notified me of a disturbing incident. It was just paper -- three pages of it -- tacked to a fence in downtown Rossland, but the reader reported that it was an attempt to spread hate in our Mountain Kingdom. The targets were the usual ones that bigots love to hate: "liberal," feminist, Jewish, LGBTQ; and the...