
RCMP Seek Input From Council on Policing Rossland

Sergeant Rob Hawton of the Trail and Greater District RCMP detachment visited Rossland’s Planning Committee meeting at City Hall this past Wednesday night to seek input as they develop their annual performance plan for the area. First on the agenda for the night: the sergeant presented the six main objectives they had for...

City Finance Committee Discusses Water Rates

Rossland politics started to get back into the swing of things after a holiday break on Tuesday evening with a meeting of the city’s finance committee at Esling Park Lodge. Members of the finance committee, along with a number of property owners around town, showed up to talk about their concerns about what some felt were...

Nancy Greene Named To The Senate

Monday morning saw Prime Minister Harper appoint 18 new conservative senators to the Liberal dominated chamber filling all of the available vacancies. With Liberal-affiliated senators currently occupying 58 of the 105 available seats to the Conservatives 20, this move brings a measure of balance to the senate increasing the...

Visions for Small Schools Prepares to Gear Up for Latest RSS Challenge

Rossland’s Visions for Small Schools held a preliminary meeting last Monday evening at RSS. The meeting, attended by about twenty Rossland parents, was the first step in what will be a four-month-long, community-wide effort to come up with proposals for the future of RSS in time for the school board’s March 2009 deadline for...

Getting to Know Greg - Rossland's New Mayor

Two weeks ago Rosslanders made their voice heard in the municipal election that saw the largest voter turnout in the region. In a close vote that saw a separation of 80 votes between the two mayoral candidates, Greg Granstrom came out ahead. A long time area resident, Granstrom has made a career working with the Village of ...

Outgoing Council's Final Meeting

With the full cast of Rossland’s recently elected new city council in attendance Monday night, the outgoing council held their final meeting. There was a short agenda, including the third reading of the Good Neighbour Bylaw. The adoption of this bylaw was one of a number of achievements by the outgoing group, distributed in...

First Time Rosslander Candidate Goes Green

With the Liberal and NDP candidates in the upcoming federal election based out of Castlegar and the Conservative candidate hailing from Oliver, Andy Morel, the Green Party candidate, is Rossland’s only local in the running. Originally from Ontario, where he received a certificate in outdoor leadership from Sir Sanford Fleming...

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