

The Telegraph Interviews the Candidates, Part 2

Note: this article is a continuation of the lead story this week. We've split the interviews into two parts for ease or readability. Each Telegraph question is followed by replies from all four candidates, although the interviews were conducted separately.TELEGRAPH: Describe to us what this riding looks like four to ten years...

BC ELECTION: The Telegraph Interviews the Candidates, Part 1

Over the course of the last two weeks, the editorial board of the Telegraph sat down with all four candidates in next week's provincial election. Generally, the candidates revealed themselves to be thoughtful, fairly well-informed people. We decided that the best way to publish the results of our interviews would be to place...

Green Party: Climate Change Requires “Immediate, Bold Measures”

The Green Party of BC has marked international Earth Day by highlighting its comprehensive plan to help revers global climate change and restore economic security. "For over twenty years advanced nations around the world have priced the cost of pollution into the economy through tax shifting - to conserve by reducing energy...

3 Years at the Helm - Resigning CAO Ron Campbell Discusses the Good the Bad and the Ugly

Rossland City Hall will be losing a key piece of its operations as of the day this article comes out with city CAO Ron Campbell having announced his resignation early last week. Currently enjoying a number of weeks accumulated vacation time before his resignation is official, Campbell is now out of the office, taking some...

'Green Tax Shifting ' Reduces Emissions Without Increasing Taxes, Claims Green Party

Victoria, BC –– The Green Party of BC is calling on British Columbians to support an increased tax shift on green house gas emissions from $10/tonne to $50/tonne. The $10/tonne (now $15) shift by the BC Liberals is a start, but BC Greens would shift more sooner -- starting with $50/tonne,” said Jane Sterk, Leader of the Green...

Council Notes - April 14th

Rossland Stewardship SocietyBill Miklethwaite made a brief presentation to council on behalf of the Rossland Stewardship Society introducing council to the society and outlining their goals and objectives.Made up with many of the same members as the Citizens for Responsible Development group that emerged last year during the...

Evergreen Subdivision's Street Safety Questioned

In an ambitious eight page agenda for this week’s city council meeting a street corner in Pinewood garnered the most attention. A standing room only crowd (there are only seats for about ten people in the gallery) gathered, largely to hear and comment on a development variance permit for the Evergreen Ridge subdivision.   The...

New Approach Eyed for Miners Hall - Task Force Report Presented to Council

Rossland recreation director John Reed held court during Monday April 6th’s committee of the whole meeting, presenting, answering questions and gathering feedback on--among other items--the Miners Hall task force report. The main theme as presented by Reed was that he is keen to take more of a business approach to managing ...

Council Notes - March 23rd

Public Hearing This week’s council session began with a public hearing on three bylaws relating to fences and retaining walls, and OCP amendment and zoning amendment related to Redstone’s Phase II. Holding the meeting in the Prestige Hotel’s banquet room this week in anticipation of potentially large crowds, ten folks showed...

Council Notes - March 9th

Golden City Manor Board Doreen Butler of the Golden City Manor Board spoke, calling on council to rethink the new Water and Sewer rate bylaws that passed first, second and third readings on Monday March 2nd. “The board respectfully requests council’s consideration around (the new Water and Sewer bylaws) to be adjusted,” said...

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