
Communication Breakdown - Recreation Saga Going Nowhere Fast

The ongoing regional recreation saga took several new twists this week. Tweak may be a better word to use however as the new twists are essentially more of the same story we’ve been hearing which breaks down to a lack of fruitful discussions between the communities involved. If Robert Plant got to have a say on the whole...

Recreation Breakdown Results in Lost Economic Opportunities

The broken down Regional Recreation agreement has reared its head again this week, and this time it would seem the citizens and businesses of Trail and Rossland are the ones losing out. Stemming from a May 1st letter sent from Rossland Mayor Greg Granstrom to Trail’s Mayor Dieter Boggs inviting the City of Trail to participate...

Speaking for Rosslanders - Council Takes Stance on IPPs

This past Monday’s council meeting brought a resolution to a five month process of sending off a letter to the provincial government with the city of Rossland’s stance on IPPs after much reworking and rethinking of the letter.  Rafe Mair’s presentation on Independent Power Projects (IPPs) brought to light the issue in the...

Election Eve: BC Political Parties Respond to the CCPA Poverty Reduction Campaign

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is part of the BC Poverty Reduction Committee, which has been steadily gathering steam as we get closer to the election. There are now 281 organizations signed on to the open letter to BC political parties. The campaign has been calling for all the parties to agree to implement...

City Hall Communications Plan Moves Forward

Over the past year in particular, and likely on going back into history for as long as Rossland council has existed, there has been much talk about talking, or rather communications about communicating, as it were. In last fall’s election communications became one of the major issues with Rosslanders expressing a strong desire...

The Telegraph Interviews the Candidates, Part 2

Note: this article is a continuation of the lead story this week. We've split the interviews into two parts for ease or readability. Each Telegraph question is followed by replies from all four candidates, although the interviews were conducted separately.TELEGRAPH: Describe to us what this riding looks like four to ten years...

BC ELECTION: The Telegraph Interviews the Candidates, Part 1

Over the course of the last two weeks, the editorial board of the Telegraph sat down with all four candidates in next week's provincial election. Generally, the candidates revealed themselves to be thoughtful, fairly well-informed people. We decided that the best way to publish the results of our interviews would be to place...

Green Party: Climate Change Requires “Immediate, Bold Measures”

The Green Party of BC has marked international Earth Day by highlighting its comprehensive plan to help revers global climate change and restore economic security. "For over twenty years advanced nations around the world have priced the cost of pollution into the economy through tax shifting - to conserve by reducing energy...

3 Years at the Helm - Resigning CAO Ron Campbell Discusses the Good the Bad and the Ugly

Rossland City Hall will be losing a key piece of its operations as of the day this article comes out with city CAO Ron Campbell having announced his resignation early last week. Currently enjoying a number of weeks accumulated vacation time before his resignation is official, Campbell is now out of the office, taking some...

'Green Tax Shifting ' Reduces Emissions Without Increasing Taxes, Claims Green Party

Victoria, BC –– The Green Party of BC is calling on British Columbians to support an increased tax shift on green house gas emissions from $10/tonne to $50/tonne. The $10/tonne (now $15) shift by the BC Liberals is a start, but BC Greens would shift more sooner -- starting with $50/tonne,” said Jane Sterk, Leader of the Green...

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