

Sustainable fireworks: a passionate discussion about the Golden City's economy

How do you create an economically sustainable city? More specifically, how can Rossland move towards becoming economically sustainable without raising taxes or cutting services? These questions among others were the general basis for an in depth and at times heated discussion at City Hall this past Monday night. Presenting ...

Additional water meter information soon to flow from City Hall

Following recommendations at the most recent COW meeting that council answer questions put forth by Michael Geldrich, the discussion over water meters was re-opened on Monday night. Along with Mr. Geldrich’s delegation to council, there have been numerous questions to the city around this issue. It was noted that city staff...

COMMENT: Political Translation - You Can't Buy Change

Here we go again. The Liberals trying to force an election, not even a year after the last one. As much as Stephen Harper may be continuing to drive Canada in the wrong direction and as much as the fact that well over half of the country disapproves of him as the Prime Minister and less than half of the country voted for him,...

Columbia Avenue Facelift Timing Unknown

Columbia Avenue can expect a spruce up, but it may not be for a while. In a letter distributed to Council and discussed at the meeting Monday night, city engineer Mike Thomas presented an outline of the project to rebuild Columbia Avenue. Not much can be known however about the timing of the project until the BC government ...

MP Atamanenko Throws Support Behind Community Opposition to Kootenay IPP

Castlegar, BC – Before a public meeting in Kaslo on Wednesday that drew 1100 citizens from the town and other Kootenay communities, MP Alex Atamanenko (BC Southern Interior) told one of the largest crowds ever assembled against a proposed Independent Power Project (IPP) “This Glacier-Howser IPP must be stopped in its tracks!” Addressing a rally […]

Communication Breakdown - Recreation Saga Going Nowhere Fast

The ongoing regional recreation saga took several new twists this week. Tweak may be a better word to use however as the new twists are essentially more of the same story we’ve been hearing which breaks down to a lack of fruitful discussions between the communities involved. If Robert Plant got to have a say on the whole...

Recreation Breakdown Results in Lost Economic Opportunities

The broken down Regional Recreation agreement has reared its head again this week, and this time it would seem the citizens and businesses of Trail and Rossland are the ones losing out. Stemming from a May 1st letter sent from Rossland Mayor Greg Granstrom to Trail’s Mayor Dieter Boggs inviting the City of Trail to participate...

Speaking for Rosslanders - Council Takes Stance on IPPs

This past Monday’s council meeting brought a resolution to a five month process of sending off a letter to the provincial government with the city of Rossland’s stance on IPPs after much reworking and rethinking of the letter.  Rafe Mair’s presentation on Independent Power Projects (IPPs) brought to light the issue in the...

Election Eve: BC Political Parties Respond to the CCPA Poverty Reduction Campaign

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is part of the BC Poverty Reduction Committee, which has been steadily gathering steam as we get closer to the election. There are now 281 organizations signed on to the open letter to BC political parties. The campaign has been calling for all the parties to agree to implement...

City Hall Communications Plan Moves Forward

Over the past year in particular, and likely on going back into history for as long as Rossland council has existed, there has been much talk about talking, or rather communications about communicating, as it were. In last fall’s election communications became one of the major issues with Rosslanders expressing a strong desire...

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