Air Canada shoots down Kootenay MP's idea to improve reliability at West Kootenay Regional Airport in Castlegar
High expectations quickly turned to harsh reality for BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko and Kootenay/Columbia rep David Wilks following a meeting Wednesday with Air Canada officials. The two Kootenay MPs met with Air Canada VP Government Affairs, Industry and Corporate Strategy Derek Vanstone to discuss the future of ...
Elizabeth May Says: Everything Must Change in 2015
Article by Elizabeth May: How we can make up for nine years of lost time? Having worked on the climate issue from 1986, back when it was a future threat, to present times, where it is the stuff of daily headlines, I have to admit that it would be easy to feel discouraged. We have squandered decades that would have allowed...
Canada 150 CIP: Who Can Get a Grant?
Monday night's Council meeting opened with the Council chamber packed and overflowing with hopeful Rosslanders keen to support their favorite idea to improve Rossland, and Mayor Kathy Moore welcomed everyone. Many spoke passionately in support of developing the (former) Emcon lot into a community facility; Ann Damude ...
Our old Delegation Bylaw # 2473 from 2009, which is current but not in use, was drafted by then-CAO Victor Kumar and it boldly gave to the Chief Administrative Officer or deputy "all of the powers, duties and functions of Council under s. 154 (l) (b) of the Community Charter to make agreements respecting the City's activities,...
Trail and Warfield reach recreation and library agreement
The City of Trail and the Village of Warfield are pleased to announce they have successfully negotiated and approved a 5.5-year (66 months) recreation and library services agreement that will take effect on July 1, 2015. Warfield will contribute $631,500 over the full term and the City will allocate 68 per cent of the funding...
Mandatory off-road-vehicle registration delayed
Mandatory off-road vehicle registration is being deferred from June 1 to Nov. 1, 2015. The extra time provides additional time for off-road users to prepare for the mandatory registration, while the regulatory details are finalized on both registration and safety. As well an ICBC-issued numbered sticker will be available in...
Election Spending Rules in BC
“Don’t mind the elephant in the room, we’re redecorating.” When the B.C. government tabled its legislation to amend the Election Act in March, it was probably hoping no one would notice. They were in for a bit of a shock. While much of the focus has been on the provision which would give political parties […]
Our Electoral System is Crazy
For an armchair political philosopher, the first week of May 2015, with two melodramatic elections, one in Alberta and one in Great Britain, was an intoxicating week. These two elections provided a succinct demonstration of the ill-advised use of the first past the post (FPTP) electoral system. Originating in Britain as the...
RANT: On nipples, nudity and nonsense. The naked truth
Ed Note: I should, by rights, accompany this article with a topless photo, not a head shot. But, ironically, I believe I would be imprisoned for doing so … even though we sexualize everything from orange juice to alcohol in every media ranging from newspapers (Sunshine girls), TV, radio, etc. We spend billions of dollars […]
Signs of Change are Sweeping the Nation
By David Suzuki Recent events in Canada have shown not only that change is possible, but that people won’t stand for having corporate interests put before their own. When plummeting oil prices late last year threw Alberta into financial crisis, people rightly asked, “Where’s the money?” They could see that an oil producer...