New $1-mill fire truck to take city to new heights
A more-than-million-dollar acquisition is poised to bring the city to new heights, after city council approved the purchase of a new ladder truck for Castlegar’s fire department. At its regular meeting Monday night, council heard a litany of reasons why this truck will help drive the city into the future. “We’ve been looking...
A Letter From Richard Cannings
Dear editor, I would like to thank the voters of South Okanagan-West Kootenay for the trust you have placed in me by electing me as your Member of Parliament. I am humbled by your support and will work hard for all the people of South Okanagan-West Kootenay. My office door will always be open, and I pledge to not only take...
Kootenay Author to Read at Rossland Museum
Kootenay author Sean Arthur ("Art") Joyce will visit the Rossland Museum on October 29, at 6:30 pm in the Museum's Cominco Theatre to talk about and read from his most recent book. Admission is by donation; books will be available for sale, and the author will be available to sign them. The book is Laying the Children’s...
Ask City Council Your Questions about Upcoming Changes to Water and Sewer Rates
Editor's Note: The City of Rossland has issued a press release inviting citizen queries about the proposed new water and sewer rate schedule. Your editor strongly advises you to check it out, as there will be increases, and some of them will be significant. There will be increases across the board, and people who have not...
Election turns Tory tide to true Grit: Liberals sweep nation but spare Kootenay Columbia
Before Kootenay-Columbia voters finished marking the last ‘X’ on their ballots a Liberal Party government was confirmed in the 2015 federal election Monday night. And as polls closed at 8 p.m. Pacific in Nelson, the only questions remaining were how the West Kootenay’s new riding would swing, and would the Liberals form a...
Liberals from coast to coast watch as Justin Trudeau sweeps into Prime Minister's office
The Liberal red wave started on the East Coast and never let up. Canadians officially, and overwhelmingly, said goodbye to the Harper government and welcomed Justin Trudeau and the Liberals as their new leaders. The Liberals won a majority government with 182 seats, 99 for the Conservatives, 41 for the NDP, 10 for the Bloc ...
Nelsonites join Canadians trek to the polls in the 42nd Canadian General Election
It's Election Day in Canada — the 42nd Canadian General Election in Canadian history. Canadians are off to the polls across the country Monday to elect members to the House of Commons of Canada. If early voter traffic at Taghum Hall is am indication of what is to come, then there promises to be an increase of voting across ...
Unprecedented turn-out in Kootenay advanced federal voting
Friday and Monday represented the two busiest advanced voting days in Canadian history, according to Elections Canada – and the Kootenays did their part. The Kootenay-Columbia riding saw 14,899 voters take advantage of early voting, compared to just 7,237 in 2011. Our own riding of South Okanagan-West Kootenay is a new one,...
Let's Vote for Values that Make Canada Great
By David Suzuki When my grandparents arrived from Japan in the early 1900s, Canada was far less tolerant than it is today. Women and minorities couldn’t vote, nor could Indigenous people who had lived here from time immemorial. In 1942, the government took away my Canadian-born family’s property and rights and sent us to ...
Council Gets On With It All
Rossland City Council Regular Meeting, October 13, 2015: Present: Mayor Kathy Moore, Councillors John Greene, Marten Kruysse, Andrew Zwicker and Andy Morel. Both Aaron Cosbey and Lloyd McLellan were unable to attend. Staff: Planner Stacey Lightbourne (doing the minutes), and Interim CAO Mike Maturo. The gallery was...