

Head of Food Bank says local working families going hungry, homeless

Dear Premier Clarke, Katrine Conroy MLA, Richard Cannings MP, Prime Minister Trudeau, Castlegar Community Harvest Food Bank can no longer meet the needs of the working poor. We can not continue to rob Peter to pay Paul. We do not have the capacity to raise any more funds than we already do. We operate 100-per-cent on volunteers...

Time out needed for bullies at city halls

There's something about local government that brings out the worst in some people. Staff get spat on. Mayors and councillors are often the victims of what can only be described as cyberbullying. In some towns, process servers would be well-advised to offer volume discounts to local governments. It takes place every which way...

A Climate Vigil in Rossland -- Outside the Library

A climate vigil is being organized outside the Rossland Public Library at 12:30 pm on  Sunday, November 29  on the eve of the Paris UN climate summit by the West Kootenay EcoSociety Rossland team, in solidarity with the global community.   Rosslanders will join people around the world to demand Canada does its fair share in...

About That New Water Act: What We Still Need

Rossland had a fairly dry summer in 2015,  with watering restrictions imposed in additon to our water metering.  Now that rain has returned, our reservoirs are filling up again, and there is even enough water  that snow-making operations are well under way on Red Mountain.  We can all breathe a sigh of relief -- for now. This...

When is City property a "Private" Driveway? And: Rossland Skatepark -- The Art of the Possible

Regular Rossland City Council Meeting,  November 10,  2015;  6:00 pm Council Members:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors John Greene, Andrew Zwicker, Andy Morel, Aaron Cosbey, and Lloyd McLellan.   (Absent:  Marten Kruysse) Staff:  Manager of Public Works Darrin Albo, City Planner Stacey Lightbourne.    CAO/CFO Cecile Arnott...

Ruminations on Remembrance Day

A piper piped the parade from the Rossland Legion to the cenotaph and the moving ceremonies there, and crowds of solemn Rosslanders  attended, each of us honouring those from our land who have given their lives in wars and those in other lands who have suffered from having wars overwhelm and destroy  their homes and lives; ...

First Report from our new Member of Parliament

From the Hill: My first week in Ottawa was unseasonably warm; we could walk in light sweaters along the Rideau Canal, the last autumn leaves drifting down to the path.  It was humbling to walk the halls of the parliament buildings, knowing this was to be my work place for the next four years.  It was largely an orientation ...

Communities in Bloom seeks pride of place in city marketing materials

Castlegar Communities in Bloom (CiB) is riding the incredible success of an entire decade, and is now asking the city to include their efforts in municipal marketing undertakings such as entrance signage and the city website. At its regular meeting Monday night, council heard from a CiB delegation headed by B.C. CiB chair...

City council to hold regular meeting at SHSS to engage city youth

A tentative date has been set for city council to hold a regular meeting at Stanley Humphries Secondary School, providing an opportunity for youth to learn about, and engage in, municipal politics. At its regular meeting Monday night, council heard from councillor Florio Vassilakakis, who said the afternoon of Jan. 18 will ...

Garbage in, garbage out: City unveils new approach to waste management

Trash talk took centre stage at the Community Forum Tuesday night, with roughly 25 people, not including city staff and council, on hand to hear what the city proposes in terms of garbage collection and waste management. A presentation offered by director of Transportation and Civic Works Chris Barlow indicated some changes...

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