

All Hallow's Eve Ill

I grew up in a suburb that was minted in the late 1970s. Greentree Village (still standing) is a collection of town-homes, “garden apartments,” and a few cul-de-sacs of single- family detached homes in Central Burnaby. My folks still live in the house I grew up in. The whole village comprises a little over three hundred homes...

EDITORIAL: When business and politics cross paths

Where is the line when business and politics cross? How much if any separation is needed between the two? It’s a question that is never far from the surface in any decision making process of government, be it local, provincial, federal or international. Legitimate and logical arguments exist for the two being closely intertwined...

The Green Party...of small business?

 When asked recently what she thought of Jack Layton’s proposal to increase the payout of the Canada Pension Plan (by gradually increasing premiums paid by workers and employers) Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party replied:“I’m not sure why Jack would propose that. I think that’s a very poor idea. It would constitute...

Editorial: A school for mayors and councilors? Why not...

Have you ever thought of running for council? If so, would the fact that the job had a three year term or a four year term hold any sway over your decision?  One of the interesting aspects of municipal governments, particularly in small towns, is that they truly are made up of everyday folks. Career, professional politicians...

Even cynics feel gratitude

For a cynical kind of person, holidays provide a great opportunity to be, well, cynical. I am actually pretty indifferent about most holidays, not seeing the point of many events people seem to get excited about, like Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and even Easter. Well, actually Easter is okay, but only because of the chocolate...

Reckless and ruinous: Harper's economics

What are the key issues that progressives need to be fighting to rid the country of Stephen Harper's wrecking crew? One is the tar sands and the Enbridge pipeline, which would see giant oil tankers plying the waters off the B.C. coast. Another key issue is the Harper government's oft-announced plan to begin its so-called...

EDITORIAL: How to raise $60 million. Regional healthcare faces serious questions

Are you a saver, or are you a spender? The recent discussions at the Regional Hospital Board have sounded somewhat like a bank commercial. The question at hand however is a serious one and the board has recently opened the discussion on perhaps the most significant question healthcare in our region will face over the next...

Life in the fishbowl: Splitting up in a small town

There are a lot of benefits to living in a small-town, not the least of which is presumed commonality and familiarity with others who have also chosen to settle, remain or relocate here. I love this place for that sense of belonging, and for still challenging me on a daily basis with the contrast of often feeling the part of...

Fox News North – Not! Savour the victory

It’s quite a come down. From in-your-face arrogance to a total retreat in a matter of a few months, the big money behind Quebecor’s determination to set up a Fox news North is now looking pretty humble.There’s no doubt that part of this is overreach on the part of Pierre Karl Peladeau and his junkyard-dog front man Kory...

Leaders, parties and businesses that ignore Blogosphere do so at their peril

Almost hate to admit it, but I am old enough to remember the advent of television in Canada. In Montreal, in the early 1950s, it all began with two television stations: CBMT (English) and CBFT (French), and we would watch, mesmerized by anything they broadcast',even the Indian head test patterns, with their various very...

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