

LETTER: Restorative justice as a means to effect constructive change

Dear Editor, November 15 to 22 is Restorative Justice Week. Restorative Justice is justice that attempts to repair the damage done when a crime is committed. Often when we think of justice, it is retributive justice, justice that demands that a penalty be paid for harm that is done. Retributive justice is based on the […]

LETTER: A nurse speaks to H1N1 in Rossland

Dear editor,In reference to your recent comment on the H1N1 issue, I know that part of the role of a journalist is to stimulate discussion, but as I am very involved with the H1N1 initiatives at Selkirk, and in Interior Health, I would like to clarify a couple of things. You indicated that two school principles have noted the...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Thanks to youth workers

Dear Editor,The Health and Human Services department at Selkirk College would like to take this opportunity to honour “Thank a Youth Worker Day”, which occurs on November 5, 2009, and thank the professionals who work with youth and families in our communities.You may ask, “What is a youth worker?” Well, youth workers are...

Letter: youth workers lauded

Dear Editor, The Health and Human Services department at Selkirk College would like to take this opportunity to honour “Thank a Youth Worker Day”, which occurs on Nov. 5, and thank the professionals who work with youth and families in our communities. You may ask, “What is a youth worker?” Well, youth workers are professionals […]

Celgar/city see eye-to-eye; $55-million project to resume

In a rare moment of accord, Celgar officials say they are as pleased as City of Castlegar representatives at the outcome of this year’s Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) convention. Celgar manager Al Hitzroth said the UBCM resolution urging the provincial government to re-examine major industry taxation in B.C. is good news. “I’m still disappointed […]

LETTER: Questioning City Staff's Advice

Dear editor,Recent Rossland City Council decisions make me question whether we are receiving appropriate advice from staff. Based on these decisions, Council appears to be establishing a double standard. Council accepted questionable recommendations from staff to be lenient with bylaw violators and potential developers on one...

LETTER: Rosslanders Need to Support George Grey

To the Editor:I am one of the councilors from the City of Rossland who voted against giving cross- country skier George Grey a grant to help fund his Olympic training expenses. I am also one of the individuals living in Rossland who is working to raise the needed money through a community effort. Let me explain…As a new...

OPEN LETTER: DCCs--Get Informed, Get Involved

Dear Rosslanders,This is an update on the Development Cost Charges issue, which I presume you are all interested in, since what happens will eventually impact your property taxes (and if you're a renter, I'm sure you know that when property taxes go up, so do rents.) I'm dividing this report into two parts: what City Council...

LETTER: Regarding "Rossland Chamber of Commerce Supports Economic Development"

Dear Editor,I have been involved in the DCC issue for the past 5 years and do not recall ever being told that “…these costs (Development Cost Charges or DCCs) are needed to look after old infrastructure around town” as stated in the article by the Chamber of Commerce. DCCs are only intended to cover growth related infrastructure...

LETTER TO THE PREMIER: MP Atamanenko on Glacier Howser

Dear Premier Campbell: On 24 July 2009 I submitted a letter to the Environmental Assessment Office, expressing concerns with the proposed Glacier Howser Private Hydroelectric Project.  Attached please find a copy of this submission. An overwhelming majority of people in our area are against this project as evidenced by over 1100 people who showed up […]

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