

LETTER: Earth Day and pesticides

Dear Editor:Earth Day is over for another year.  Around the world, people used this day to think about the delicate balance between humans and our environment.  Millions took these insights to heart and took action to ensure that people can live in harmony with nature.  But what about the day after, and each day following?On...

LETTER: Egg-xtremely scrambled rules around local egg sales

Dear Rosslanders,I don't know how many of you are sufficiently concerned about the cruelty, environmental contamination, and health issues involved in producing factory-farmed or "free run" eggs, to the extent that you regularly buy free-RANGE eggs produced by one of the several small farmers in our area. If these issues don't...

LETTER: Thanks to generous Rossland business owners

Dear editor,As the organiser and host of Rossland Radio Co-Op's games and trivia fundraiser "The Price Is Jeopardy Or No Deal Of Fortune" I'd like to publicly thank the local businesses who, once again, donated prizes. This was the 4th time I've stood in front of a Rossland audience and given away prizes in the last year and...

LETTER: Visitor grateful for K.B.R.H. help after injury

 Dear Editor, As a visitor to the very pleasant town of Castlegar, and when visiting Red Mountain, I slipped on the ice in the parking lot.   It was a hard fall, and I felt it should be checked out by the First Aid attendants in the Ski Patrol Booth.    I was very impressed with their care and concern.   A hospital visit […]

Letter: IH speaks to OR cuts

To the residents of the Kootenay Boundary; There has been significant attention around the changes Interior Health is making to the Operating Room at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital. These changes are going forward next month and will ensure Interior Health is equitably distributing the resources available in the Kootenay Boundary for the range of core […]

LETTER: Let’s continue to strive for gold...in health care

Dear editor, We all witnessed how our Olympic athletes inspired and unified our nation. Whether they won or not, their stories touched our hearts and we applauded their efforts. We are writing in response to Interior Health’s proposed cuts to our Hospital. Instead of going for gold in our Health Care system it seems we […]

LETTER: Parents answer: why the Boundary Education Alliance

People have been asking “Why the Boundary Education Alliance?” They are wondering what the need is for this group to form and exist. To help answer this question we want to invite you to look through the window of what we observed in one specific example. You may or may not know that in October, 2009 […]

LETTER FROM KATMANDU: Toques and treks

Dear editor,The purpose of my letter is to let the citizens of Rossland who were so generous in their donations of toques for Everest and quarters for porters know that we will be flying into the Everest region with the toques in two days.  We will be travelling with two porters, and Kaji's brother a sherpa guide to the school...

KIMBERLY JOINES: Letter to Rossland 4

Hey Rossland,By now I imagine most of you have heard… I love how quickly rumors can circulate around this little town of ours! But in case you haven’t, I have some incredibly disheartening news.  It pains me to tell you that it looks unlikely that I will be competing in the 2010 Paralympics in March.  Just one month prior to...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Hospital cuts are wrong-headed

Dear editor, Kudos to the doctors and nurses who have had the courage to speak out about the proposed cutbacks in the OR department at KBRH in Trail. I would like to throw in my two bits’ worth and make it personal. I injured myself last June and had an appointment with a specialist in […]

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