

ICE TIME WINDING DOWN at the arena -- Rossland Rec

The Week in REC! (Prizes available for "Creating a Supportive Rossland" button designs; and YAN Grants -- Info below) Public Skating for the week of February 23 - March 1 , 2015 All the Public Skating information, including admission prices, skate rentals and more can be viewed on the front page of the Winter Brochure and...

MP: Importance of testing for and reducing radon levels in homes and workplaces

As many may already be aware, the Kootenays have a combination of geology and gas permeable soils that make homes and workplaces susceptible to high concentrations of radioactive radon.  It surprised me to learn that the radiation from radioactive radon gas found in homes and workplaces is estimated to cause 16 percent of the...

HELPING KIDS THRIVE: "Ages & Stages Day" at RSS

BIRTH TO FIVE – WATCH ME THRIVE! ROSSLAND, BC– Every parent wants their child to be healthy and on track with growth and development.   From 9 am to 2:30pm on Monday, February 23, 2015 at the Rossland Summit School, the Family Action Network (FAN) will be hosting an Ages and Stages Day.  During the event, parents with children...

Public Health Notice: Measles

Why you should take note: Cases of measles have been reported in Canada. Measles is relatively rare in Canada thanks to high immunization rates across the country. However, Canada will continue to see measles cases related to travel to countries where measles is endemic or there are large outbreaks. Additionally, the United...

Dr. Brenda Gill on Treating Coughs

Treating Dry Coughs / Whooping cough / Pertussis: This is the time of year when I start seeing many folks in, young and old, for those upper respiratory infections accompanied by dry coughs.  I will go through the basic steps I use to eliminate the infection quickly and efficiently. The first step is including immune boosting...

Neonics: Bad For Bees, Bad For Us

Science Matters Vol. 17, No. 6 10 Feb 2015 Bees matter, so restricting neonics is the right thing to do By David Suzuki No matter how you feel about Ontario’s proposal to restrict use of neonicotinoid insecticides on corn and soybean crops, we can all agree: bees matter. But as important as bees are, there’s more at stake. ...

Interior Health proceeds with next stage of privatizing laundry services

The writing appears to be on the wall for 17 full-time equivalent employees at Kootenay Lake Hospital laundry services as Interior Health enters the next stage of a process that will determine the future of its laundry services. IH has started the process to seek Request for Solutions (RFS) from pre-qualified service providers...

Radon testing can save lives

Science Matters Vol. 17, No. 5 3 Feb 2015 Testing your home for radon could be a lifesaver By David Suzuki In late January, the BC Lung Association released results of Canada’s largest-ever community-wide home radon testing project, conducted in Castlegar and Prince George, two of B.C.’s radon hot spots. In more than half the...

Interior Health understands frustration of NPD Chief, but believes their program is working

Interior Health understands the frustration of local city police but the health authority believes its current program is working to deal with the emotional disturbed part of the population in Nelson Manager of Mental Health and Substance Use service Chris Huston told The Nelson Daily from his office in Cranbrook. Huston was...

Trading Away Environmental Rights

Science Matters Vol. 17, No. 4 27 Jan 2015 By David Suzuki In 1997, Canada restricted import and transfer of the gasoline additive MMT because it was a suspected neurotoxin that had already been banned in Europe. Ethyl Corp., the U.S. multinational that supplied the chemical, sued the government for $350 million under the...

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