Interior Health confirms Broader Horizons to officially re-open operations September 1
A concerned senior population in Nelson can breathe a sigh of relief after Interior Health officially announced that Broader Horizons Adult Daycare Centre will officially re-open operations (Tuesday) September 1. IH Health Service Administrator for Community Services in Kootenay/Boundary Cheryl Whittleton made the announcement Monday. “We’re pleased to announce that we’ve hired permanent staff and […]
Being Ripped Off by Drug Companies -- and Trade Agreements
One way of looking at the current election is to see it as a massive civic literacy test, not just for those who actually intend to vote but for those who mistake cynicism for sophistication and stay glued to their iPads instead. As David Akin of the Toronto Sun once said, "Bad governments are elected by good folks who don't...
Interior Health warns whooping cough cases on the increase
Interior Health is adivsing the public that pertussis cases, also known as whooping cough, is on the rise. The increase in pertussis cases has IH sending out a reminder parents about the importance of making sure their children’s immunizations are up to date. Pertussis activity is being seen across the region with the majority...
IH says Broader Horizons scheduled for re-opening September
It appears regular attendees of the Broader Horizons Adult Daycare Centre in Nelson will need to wait a little longer — at least another month — before the program returns to full operations. Health Service Administrator for the Kootenay Boundary, Cheryl Whittleton recently told The Nelson Daily, “We’re confident we are going to re-open in […]
Pornography 'Fuels Loneliness and Depression'
If you Google "porn addiction" you'll be presented with a plethora of articles on the topic, and various suggestions for beating an addiction to pornography. Of course, some medical personnel -- and the contentious DSM-5 -- do not yet characterize compulsive porn-watching as an actual addiction, but others are less cautious. ...
The last article discussed various ways of staying well when you’re enjoying the surroundings we live in. This article gives you some ideas for treating problems if they arise. · Discourage those annoying mosquitoes and other biting insects by increasing garlic in your diet or by taking a supplement, ...
Based on a staff recommendation at Regular Meeting of Council on June 22, 2015, and in response to years of safety concerns brought to Council by many residents, Rossland City Council has recently reduced the city’s local road speed limit from 40 km/hr. to 30 km/hr. in order to increase street safety for all residents. ...
A Belated Awakening?
Is the climate crisis creating a global consciousness shift? By David Suzuki When an assassin killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914, no one called it the start of the First World War. That happened years later, after the implications, consequences and scale of the response could be assessed. It’s often the way....
Great news for Rossland taxpayers! The City has been successful in obtaining two grants that will help with the cost of the major Washington Street infrastructure upgrades, scheduled for next year. The Government of Canada will provide up to $1,090,850 through the Small Communities Fund for the project. The Province of ...
14th Annual Permaculture Design Course in Winlaw this August
The Kootenay Permaculture Institute in partnership with Selkirk College is offering the 14th annual Permaculture Design Course in Winlaw, August 16-29, 2015. Permaculture is a holistic approach to land-use planning. The permaculture concept originated in Australia in the late 70s and now many people, organizations and companies...