

OPINION: Study Shows Promise for Cannabidiol Treatment of Epilepsy

Medical research on the potential benefits of treatment with cannabidiol (CBD) is beginning to show results.  A presentation to the U.S. Senate Caucus on International  Narcotics Control in June of 2015, by Nora D. Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, pointed out,  "Rigorous clinical studies are still...

Not Sleeping Well? Try this.

Sleep is important to our health and how we function -- perhaps more than most people realize.  An article on a recent study explains that even students between the ages of 16 and 20, often thought of as resilient organisms who can do without sleep better than older people,  do not do as well academically when they get less...

OPINION: GMOs -- A Balanced View

History of Gene Manipulation "Genetically Modified Organisms" is an area that abounds with skepticism, suspicion and fear. The mere mention of genetic modification is enough to give a substantial portion of the population the 'heebie jeebies".  They have been a source of controversy since the biotechnology was introduced in...

Staying Healthy: Alkaline is Where it's at! (Part One of Three)

           I just recently returned from a back-country ski trip to a wonderful cabin up in the mountains with 11 other people and we had many discussions over the week.  One of the main topics was food of course, since everyone is ravenous after a full day of climbing and I realized how many mis-conceptions there are out...

IHA wrings out Nelson laundry service and prepares to cut 29 jobs in the city

The fate of Kootenay Lake Hospital’s laundry services has all come out in the wash. On Tuesday afternoon the Interior Health Authority (IHA) has elected to contract out hospital laundry services for Nelson and four other communities, meaning 29 job losses in the city. Interior Health’s board of directors and the health authority...

Interior Health issues bulletin after seeing an increase in drug overdose trend

Interior Health has issued an information bulletin after seeing an increasing drug overdose trend in communities within the region — including Nelson, Trail and Cranbrook. IH officials and ANKORS said the bulletin is to raise public awareness about the opioid drug use, particularly in light of recent fatal and non-fatal...

HEU stages rally in Nelson Monday ahead of IH laundry decision

Local Hospital Employees Union workers in Nelson are joining fellow members from other communities in the province as part of the Leap for Local Laundry rally Monday (February 29) in front of the courthouse on the corner of Vernon and Ward Streets. The day of action happens in the BC Interior as the HEU brings attention to ...

Teck explains plan to deal with Fisherman’s Road tailings ponds

A proposal from Teck concerning the removal of tailings from areas along Fisherman’s road in Area E of the Regional District of Central Kootenay attracted concerns and questions from locals during an open house meeting at Blewett Elementary Tuesday night. Tailings are the materials left over after valuable minerals are extracted...

Changes coming to Medical Services Plan premium assistance

With more people than ever to qualify for assistance with Medical Services Plan premiums next year, B.C. seniors advocate Isobel Mackenzie joined Health Minister Terry Lake to remind seniors to check if they are eligible. A recent survey by the seniors advocate showed just 39% of seniors knew about MSP premium assistance and...


Avalanche Canada is issuing a Special Public Avalanche Warning for recreational backcountry users from Friday February 19 to Monday February 22. The warning applies to the North Columbia, South Columbia, the Purcells and the Kootenay Boundary. Glacier National Park is also issuing a public warning for backcountry users in...

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