

Hospital Access Changes (with updated site map)

Here's a message from Interior Health for everyone who needs to go to the Kootenay Boundary  Regional Hospital: Patients and visitors are advised that the access route to Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBRH) is changing. The walkway that runs around the construction zone will be adjusted effective Nov. 25. Signage will...

50,000 overdoses reversed with naloxone kits in B.C.

More than 50,000 kits containing the life-saving medication naloxone have been used to reverse opioid overdoses in B.C. In total, 175,022 naloxone kits have been reported distributed to people who use drugs and those who are likely to witness an overdose through the BC Centre for Disease Control’s (BCCDC) Take Home Naloxone...

It's autumn! Get your 'flu shot, and cherish your mucus.

MUCUS?  Really?  Yes – mucus is s good thing; it keeps us much safer from various kinds of infections.  It traps small particles and helps isolate certain harmful microbes to keep them from clumping together and ganging up on our immune systems.  Healthy mucus can keep harmful microbes from multiplying very fast in our bodies,...

Greta Thunberg: 'How dare you!'

Greta Thunberg’s speech to the  UN was transcribed.  Here is the full text.  For the full effect, though, listen to her speech at this link:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYqtXR8iPlE In response to the question, “What’s your message to world leaders today?” Thunberg responded as follows: Greta Thunberg:   “My message is...

Panhandling to eradicate Polio

Polio is still a real danger to children in some parts of the world.  If it can spread in those parts of the world, it could also spread around the world again. The Rotary Club is determined to eradicate polio globally, to keep children everywhere safe from its debilitating or fatal effects. Here in Rossland, Rotary Club...

Editorial: It’s back-to-school time. Drive much?

It’s time to reflect on our driving habits, and on the facts cited below – especially for the safety of everyone’s children.  According to the  Canadian Paediatric Society, motor vehicle incidents are the leading cause of unintentional injury and death in Canada for children from 1 year old to 19 years old. The  BC Injury...

Opinion: How the marvel of electric light became a global blight to health

By Richard G. Stevens; from Aeon Light pollution is often characterized as a soft issue in environmentalism. This perception needs to change. Light at night constitutes a massive assault on the ecology of the planet, including us. It also has indirect impacts because, while 20 per cent of electricity is used for lighting...

Column: Time to dream big

Climate protection is not a partisan issue Media and politicians often regard environmentalists as a special interest group with political priorities served by “green” parties. If a Green politician isn’t present or allowed to participate in a public debate, journalists tend to eschew environmental questions, considering them...

Breaching a “carbon threshold” could lead to mass extinction

Carbon dioxide emissions may trigger a reflex in the carbon cycle, with devastating consequences, study finds. By Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office In the brain, when neurons fire off electrical signals to their neighbors, this happens through an “all-or-none” response. The signal only happens once conditions in the cell breach...

Interior Health: Be prepared for wildfire smoke events

Wildfires are a regular part of summer in British Columbia, and with wildfires comes the potential for wildfire smoke pollution. The best way to protect your health from wildfire smoke pollution is to be prepared with ways to reduce your exposure to smoke. Here are seven steps that you can take to prepare for wildfire smoke...

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