

Species-at-risk defenders walk away from NAFTA review process

An international coalition of environmental groups, represented by Ecojustice, has withdrawn in protest a complaint against Canada, a first in the history of NAFTA’s environmental watchdog.  The complaint, made to the Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC) in 2006, alleged that the Canadian government failed to enforce laws to protect at least 197 at-risk species in […]

The best guilt-free dessert of almost-ever

I know I said my next post was going to be some reviews, but I haven’t quite had time to pull that one together, with all my fitness classes up and on the go now, and my experimentation in the kitchen being semi-out of control. The review post will come up soon, hopefully in the […]

Let us Discuss...Lettuce

I don’t really enjoy gardening, however I do it because I believe it’s the right thing to do. I believe in sustainable food sources, I believe in doing my part to make the planet a better place, I believe that locally grown fruits & veggies are the best thing for our bodies and the environment. I am also cheap. Putting ...

New avalanche signage increases backcountry safety

Backcountry enthusiasts will now have access to better information for evaluating snow conditions and assessing avalanche risks, thanks to new avalanche awareness signage around the province. Avalanche awareness signs targeting mountain snowmobilers have been posted at 23 key highway locations and most of the 85 managed snowmobile areas in the province. These signs advise sledders […]

Toxic council procedure kills proposed pesticide bylaw

Rossland's proposed pesticide ban died another procedural death this week, in the rather (ahem) toxic environment of the city's first council meeting of the year, with the mayor roaring about “criminals” and councillor Jill Spearn so disgusted by proceedings that she briefly lost the ability to speak.   Monday's introduction...

Winter's here; time to think...Gardening?

Ahh, the perfect January day in Rossland. The new-fallen snow is sparkling in the brilliant winter sun; the air is just crisp enough to greet cheeks and noses with a kiss of cold; and the peacefulness of snow dampened sound set a scene that could be straight out of a holiday snow globe. What’s the first thought that comes to...

Tips to get back on track now that Christmas is over!

One of the areas I address, especially after the holiday season, is helping people get into a good routine again with eating and to try to lose those added pounds from the holidays. Here are a few tips to achieve that goal.Eat three full meals a day to keep the fire burning and burn off excess fatAlways eat breakfast. Whole...

Avoiding holiday sabotage

I took it upon myself to start a detox last week. Just a short one, three days. I know what you’re all thinking: A detox around Christmas? You’re nuts! But truthfully, I eat fairly healthy most of the time, and I’m not one to indulge on holiday treats regardless. I had high hopes. This would be easy! But as […]

Castlegar ultrasound safe for at least a year ... but other barriers remain

 The looming February deadline for the removal of Castlegar’s ultrasound machine to Trail is no more …and, in fact, never existed at all, according to Interior Health’s Thalia Vesterback. “That wasn’t our intention at all,” Vesterback said. “I think we created some of that confusion by saying we were suspending the decision to move the […]

Cost of future hospitals needs to be dealt with now: report

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily Acute health care needs for people in the region will have to be addressed within the next three to six years as the requirement for a new regional hospital facility becomes imperative, warns a report from the regional district’s chief administrative officer. Regional District of Central Kootenay CAO Jim […]

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