

Nelson/Creston Green Party granted intervener status into FortisBC application process

FortisBC applied to the B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC) in July 2012 to replace approximately 115,000 manually read meters with advanced meters in the West Kootenay and the Okanagan and incorporate supporting hardware and software. The BCUC process begins in Trail Tuesday (November 6) and, front and center at the meeting will be the Nelson/Creston arm […]

Flu clinics have begun

Flu clinics across the Interior Health region have begun.  Getting a flu shot is one of the best ways to protect yourself and others from the flu and its complications. Seniors, infants under five and people with chronic illness are most at risk of serious illness or complications that can result from the flu. “Many people ...

Rossland council wants public input on leash laws and smoking bans

Following council's request in September for a "smoking dogs" bylaw, city staff returned to council on Monday with a report on bylaws used by other communities to control dogs and restrict smoking in public areas. Council voted to provide several opportunities for public input before contemplating any change to either the ban...

Hospital facilities review meets with mixed reaction

It looks like the Kootenays are finally getting the hospital review that’s been discussed for months here in the tri-city region, and it may completed as soon as Nov. 30 of this year … what remains unclear is whether the scope of the study will take an adequate snapshot of the area’s capacity and needs. […]

Finding homes for the hard-to-house

The Greater Trail Skills Centre and Career Development Services (CDS) are part way through a 48 week program of one-time-only funding from the federal government to lay the foundation for better support for the region's homeless and hard-to-house. To sustain the project beyond March 31, 2013, when the current funding expires,...

Confirmed case of E. col found on Vancouver Island

BC has a confirmed case of E. coli O157:H7, the same strain of E. coli observed in the XL Food Inc. food safety investigation said the BC Centre of Disease Control in a written statement Monday. The BC Centre of Disease Control, receiving confirmation of the lab test, has been working in partnership with the […]

MED MARIJUANA: Opening minds and discussions

A series of medical marijuana stories as provided to the Sentinel by a Medical Marijuana license holder. Medhead is writing anonymously because of the potential stigma their condition and medication would have on their life in a small community. This is an introduction to Medhead and where this series is going to go over the […]

Federal Liberal Council of Riding Association presidents endorse resolution to legalize cannabis

Vancouver- British Columbia's Federal Liberal Council of Riding Association Presidents endorsed a policy resolution to legalize and regulate cannabis in Canada, as approved by Liberal Party delegates from across Canada at the Party's 2012 Biennial Policy Conference in Ottawa. The Council held their quarterly meeting Saturday...

COMMENT: An ounce of prevention

It is estimated that over 22,000 women in Canada will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year and nearly ten times as many in the United States. Almost a quarter of these people will die. Nobody knows why. Yes, there are established risk factors, such as early commencement of menstruation, never breastfeeding a child, late […]

IHA delays decision to reduce Kaslo ER hours until January 2013

Interior Health has decided to delay its decision to change hours to Victorian Community Health Center Emergency Department to allow further discussion with community representatives on developing a service model that will best meet the needs of the community in the future. Several members of the newly formed seven member Negotiating Solutions Team, including Kaslo […]

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