

Local men get police/council attention for Facebook guide on how to abuse young girls

 A horrifying document posted on Facebook and penned by two local men has reached the attention of both Castlegar city council and the RCMP.   Created by two young, adult Castlegar men, the page is a lengthy, step-by-step guide on how to get young girls (between the ages of 13 and 15) to have sex, […]

City pit bull licensing fee to remain $1,000

 Pitbull owners in Castlegar will not enjoy a reduction in the cost of dog licensing, as council voted Monday night to maintain the status quo.   This, after controversy arose surrounding the city’s $1,000 licensing fee for pit bulls and Staffordshire Terriers (as compared $15 to $45 for other breeds). Nelson and Trail both have […]

Domestic Violence Accord to be signed in Castlegar tomorrow

Castlegar women struggling with domestic abuse may find it easier to get help, after the signing of the Domestic Violence Accord tomorrow. Thursday will see representatives from fully 20 local organizations and agencies gathered at the Community Forum, signing off on 20 protocols that offer clear action plans in the event a woman experiencing violence […]

First Nations Summit congratulates Yale First Nation

 The First Nations Summit congratulates the Yale First Nation leaders, negotiators and community members for reaching their final treaty agreement and the introduction of the Yale First Nations Treaty Settlement legislation in the BC Legislature. “The Yale First Nation should be commended for their significant efforts to reach a final agreement that is appropriate for and supported by […]

OP/ED: To fix HST Clark needs to follow Harper's example

By: Gregory Thomas, British Columbia Communications Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation  Premier Christy Clark says she is going to fix the harmonized sales tax (HST) for B.C. families and she says she is going to fix it before the end of May. We can’t wait. And we’re hopeful, if not optimistic, that she won’t screw it up. At […]

Sunshine Village donates $50,000 to Selkirk

Sunshine Village Ski and Snowboard resort in Banff, Alberta, has donated $50,000 towards scholarships for students graduating from Selkirk Colleges Ski Resort Operations and Management program (SROAM). The contribution is the largest single donation in the SROAM programs 30-year history.  “We are thrilled!” says Selkirk College SROAM Chair, Bob Falle. “These funds will provide incentives and support […]

Tech-savvy RSS teacher-librarian wins award

Amongst the many things RSS can boast about is the fact that the school now has an award-winning teacher-librarian. Nicola Kuhn was recently selected as the winner of the BC teacher-librarian Association’s BC New Teacher-Librarian of the Year Award and was nominated by former long-time RSS teacher-librarian, and current Crowe...

Meteor that lit up Kootenay sky may have landed east of Nelson

A meteor that has caused a stir in the Kootenay region and into the U.S. could have landed in the area of Kootenay Lake, east of Nelson. The Cranbrook Daily Townsman reported the meteor was caught Saturday morning caught by a video camera located on the roof of the College of the Rockies. You can […]

Schwarzenegger and DSK: when powerful men cross lines

By Tracy Weber in ProPublica. The week’s news about the sexual conduct of politically powerful men gives me a queasy feeling of déjà vu.  As the French agonize over whether Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s star power quashed past allegations, I can respond cynically: Yes, that probably happened. But we should not automatically assume that timelier reporting about […]

What can the LCI do for you? Economic development group coming to Rossland to hear ideas

Next Thursday, the Lower Columbia Initiative Corporation (LCIC), in partnership with the Rossland Chamber of Commerce and Rossland’s Sustainability Commission’s Economic Task Force, will be holding an information session at the Prestige Inn, right here in Rossland. Sandy Santori says that the information session is “an...

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